Chapter 13- One word: Why?

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Hi, if some of you guys are wondering why there are two chapter 12, well that’s because the first one wasn’t working until today hehe…. Due to the wattpad crash, I needed to upload chapter 12 again because some weren’t able to read yet. Here’s Chapter thirteen hope you guys will love it! Enough with my suspense and stuff, you are going to know who’s the stepsister hehe.

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“No, Trisha. I’m busy about Mr. Carter’s wedding. Apparently, I am helping him and Stella in their upcoming wedding.”

Stella? Wedding?

“Wait, Stella? Mr. Carter’s getting married?”

“Yup. I have the same name as his fiancé.” She chuckled. “I know it’s a little weird but Matthew and I have been friends since I can’t remember.”

Wow, even Mr. Carter’s getting married.

“When you move in their house, you will meet Matthew’s son, his fiancé, and his fiancé’s daughter. They will be staying there too. You will meet his son on the engagement party which is one week from now. So, I will help you find a nice dress.” She grinned at me.

Wow, my mom is not only a good businesswoman but a woman with great fashion sense too.


Chapter 13- One Word: Why?

Josh's POV

I have nothing to do. I can't anything about these marriages. I am just turning seventeen this year for crying out loud. Why do I need to marry in such a young age? Why does father have to make that stupid deal with his business partner and make him engage to this unknown daughter?

Engage? Josh Carter, engage?! Ugh...The thought sickened me. How can I escape this? How can I make that mysterious girl hate me, and reject the marriage herself? That's hard, I mean, it is so hard to hate someone as awesome and as handsome as me! Right?

Before I can mentally answer myself, I heard my future stepsister knocked at my door.

"Hmm...You're supposed to guide me to my bedroom." she said while moving towards me.

"What do you want?" I asked with an uninterested tone.

"Oooh, somebody's getting cocky. Tsk tsk tsk, chill Josh." 

"Please, just get out of my room if you have nothing important to tell me."

I ordered while pointing to the door.

"Not very welcoming are we? I used to stay in your room a lot before, why are you asking me to leave now?" she said while putting her hand on her chest. 

"You said it. Used to, that was past. Everything has changed now, Alexis. Now get out of my room because you are seriously pissing me off right now." 

"Well, well, well, you are getting married. You, of all people are getting married. The thought makes me laugh. How about your little fake girlfriend?"

She reminded me of Trisha. She must be enjoying this. I don't even know what I saw in her before. Ugh...

"Trisha is not my fake girlfriend, okay? I really like her, and I will prove it to father that this engagement will not work."

"Of course it won't work. Sooner or later, you'll realize that you still have feelings for me and that you can't marry anyone but Me." she said while sitting on my lap.

I pushed her away making her fell on the floor.

"No, what the hell Alexis? You have a boyfriend now. You have Nathan. You broke up with me to be with him and then now you're saying those words?" I shouted angrily.

She chuckled and then she said, "Please, I can have both of you, and you know that. You still love me Josh, and I don't think Trish loves you, so stop that game with her. For all I know she wants Nathan and since I have him, she wants to get you in return; that slu-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence of yours. Trish is nothing compared to you. She is way different from you. I can't believe what I've seen in you that made me date you. Now, thinking of the fact that we dated before sickens me."

She seemed to ignore my previous statement and went out of my room. Great! I thought she wouldn't leave. I don't know why of all people, why her? One word: Why?


I am sooo sorry for this short chapter. Planning to make this long but I decided to chop it into two chapters instead. Next chapter will be Nathan's POV. Please don't kill me hehe. So, yes. it's Alexis. What a Small world!

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*I am soo excited I am going to watch Beastly tomorrow yey!

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