Chapter 10- NO WAY!!!

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Hello guys I am VERY GRATEFUL for the votes that I have received in this chapter! Thank you so much… I saw your comments and I am really happy to see your reactions hehe. Here’s another chapter…



“You know what, dad; I don’t know what to say to you. I can’t lie and tell you that I accept these things that you are telling me. I can’t believe that you never told me about Stella, or her daughter, or my future ‘wife’!”

I just stormed out the mini bar and went directly to my bedroom. I can’t believe what I just found out. This is really one of the worst days of my life!

I was about to throw my cellphone when suddenly I received a text message. I opened the message. It is from Trisha.

Josh, I am sorry to tell you that I can’t continue our deal anymore. I just met my mother and I think we are moving to a new house now….

That message crushed my heart. She’s moving. She’s moving! Does that mean I can’t see her anymore?

Definitely the worst day….


Chapter 10- NO WAY!!!

*Trisha’s POV*

I can’t believe that my I have already met my mom. She is really great. I can see that we will have a great time in the following days. She told me about my father and how he died in a car accident when he was looking for me. They left me before because someone was trying to kill us. In order to save me, they have to leave me to Aunt Monique. I was surprised to know that Aunt Monique knew about those threats my parents had received, that is why she agreed to take care of me while my parents solved their problems.

She told me that Nathan knew nothing about this and it is better if we kept this a secret until things are already fine. How will Nathan take this?

I can’t believe our family’s rich too! I still can’t cope up with this new lifestyle. It has been three days since I met mom. It was a good thing that we are having a one week break from school because of its anniversary. My mom has been taking me to different malls and buying me lots of dresses, shoes, accessories, and bags.

Never in my life did I received gifts this many. I am really not use to this yet. I am different now. The way I dressed, the way I walk. I can’t believe three days can make me change a lot.

I haven’t talked to anyone yet since three days ago. I wonder how they are doing. Aunt Monique said that she will be the one to explain it to Nathan. I don’t have any friends besides Nathan and I think Josh is one, so I only need to tell Josh that I will move already. I wonder how he is doing…

Well, mom was kinda busy lately, but she made sure that I am always happy. She never left me because she knows that I don’t like her to leave me ever again. She promised me that we will make wonderful memories together. Right now, she is talking with someone on the phone. I don’t know who is she talking to, but I heard her mention something about a wedding and about meeting a certain person. I felt bad eavesdropping so I decided to just ask her later about that.

I moved closer to her to see what she was doing at her table, and then I saw plenty of wedding magazines. Wow, she must be really busy about this wedding. Who’s getting married? I was about to ask her but one of our maids opened the door and told something to mom.

“Ma’am Stella, Sir Matthew Carter is asking if you and Ma’am Stella can meet him today in his house.”


*Josh’s POV*

Three days! Three freakin’ days! I has been three days since Trish last texted me. I didn’t receive any call from her after. I think she changed her phone number already. This is so unfair! My father’s remarrying a total stranger, well least for me and then I will have a new stepsister, and what’s worse is that, I will marry someone whom I don’t love or know!

Why can’t I marry someone that I love? Why do I have to listen to him? I don’t think this is a good plan.

I don’t like the idea of getting married to a total stranger. I love playing around but marriage is different. I have to stick to one girl. What is she’s a bitch? Or what if she over-reacts? I hate it. I don’t have the patience to deal with her PMS. I continued to complain inside my head until someone knocked on my door.

“Josh, I’ll come in…” my father said.

He didn’t even wait for my permission.

“Son, I know that you’re angry…”


“But trust me it is going to be great. Stella will be a great stepmother to you. You will love her daughter too. You have one month to get along and I think you guys will love each other.” He tried to convince me.

Yeah right, as if.

“They are going to meet you today. Please son, be at your best behaviour. I know you I am not a great father to you, but I am willing to change that. Please make this work son. Work with me.” He said.

I hate to admit this, but as much as I hate my dad, I always have this soft spot for him. I used to do random stuffs to get his attention when I was still in grade school.

“Fine! I’ll try my best, but I am not promising anything.”

After I said that, I heard the door bell rang.

“They’re here! Thank you son…” he said while walking towards the door.

I waited for him to go downstairs and greet my soon-to-be mother and sister. After I heard them talk for a while, I decided to go downstairs already. I could hear their voices becoming louder and louder as I approach them. I can’t see their faces but the girl’s voice is very familiar. In fact, even though I can’t see her face I feel like I know her.

“I am glad you and Stella were able to come today.” Dad said to the girl.

“Oh look here’s my son, Josh.” He said.

Both Stella and her daughter turned to face me and I think I had the biggest shock of my life.

“NO WAY!!!” I shouted.


Another chapter! For DAPC fans, I will upload later at night because I have to leave and get my driver’s permit. Thank you for those who are supporting this story please don’t forget to VOTE!!! Thanks!

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