Chapter 2

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Yeji shut her locker after getting her books and turned around to see the certain girl who had invaded her dreams last night. "Ryujin."

She breathed out as she saw the captain stride down the hallway. Of course there was a huge crowd around her, like birds flocking for her attention.

"How can anyone look so effortlessly hot?" Yeji wondered in awe, looking at Ryujin's legs which were exposed thanks to the denim shorts she wore today paired with the school's varsity jacket. Her legs were very toned but lean by the way. "Oh god." Yeji said and rushed down the opposite side of the hallway, not wanting to melt Ryujin with her laser like stares any longer. 

"So, I was thinking that before your game next Friday, we can go grab some dinner? Just us." A girl who approached the basketball player said to Ryujin who was busy taking her books out of her locker. The captain winced before turning around with a gentle smile.

"I'd really love that-" "Yeri" "Yeri, but I'm kind of packed right now. Sorry." Ryujin continued on and let down the blonde haired girl slowly. "Maybe next time?" Ryujin asked looking at the downcast expression on Yeri's face now.

Her face lightened up slowly and she showed that bright smile again. "Of course! Bye Ryujin!" She waved bye and went on her tippy toes to quickly peck Ryujin on the cheek before leaving.

"Will you stop being so nice to everyone? That's why half the school is obsessed with you." Chaeryeong's voice came out from behind her. Ryujin turned around with a small smile and shrugged. "Whatever." She closed her locker and walked along with Chaeryeong to her class.

The shorter girl shook her head and ruffled up Ryujin's hair playfully, causing the other girl to scowl. "Hey! My bangs!" She exclaimed and stop to stare at her reflection through a glass trophy showcase to fix them. "You know it takes forever to style these, asshole." Ryujin turned around and shoved Chaeryeong away from her. 

Chaeryeong laughed behind her obnoxiously. "Well, I'm going to class now. Bye stink face!" She said before jogging into chemistry before the door slammed shut.

Ryujin stood staring at her reflection, suddenly getting reminded of the events of yesterday. "I'll find you, pretty stranger. Mark my words." 

Upon entering, Chaeryeong searched the class for straight blonde hair, and she found a head at the back of the class. She strode confidently, turning everyone's heads except for the one she wishes to turn. 

"Choi Jisu." Chaeryeong said with her usually charming smile that would get any guy or girl to fall on the floor, and pulled the chair next to her so she can sit down. 

The head cheerleader turned her head and looked at her with straight face. "Yes?" "I've got an extra movie ticket with your name on it. So what do you say? Me, you in a crowded dark room watching the most romantic movie ever." Chaeryeong said confidently.

Choi Jisu said nothing but shook her head and went back to facing her friends. "Try harder next time Lee." 

Chaeryeong could swear that she saw a hint of smile on her face. That alone got her blushing like a madman. "S-Sure. Bye for now Choi Jisu." The raven haired girl got up and went to her seat before class started. 

"Are you ever going to say yes to the poor girl? She's been trying for months. I don't see the problem. She's popular, hot, and nice." Choi Jisu's best friend said from the seat beside her. The blonde rose one of her eyebrows and turned to face her. "I'll say yes when I feel like it." She responded sternly. "Alright, Joy?" The cheerleader named Joy gulped and nodded her head, getting intimidated by her friend.

"Ya, I mean she's like the whole package, next to Ryujin of course." Yeri piped from beside her.

"Oh I know!" The younger blonde straightened up like she had the greatest idea in the world. "You and I can have a double date with Chaeryeong and Ryujin!" She exclaimed. Choi Jisu rolled her eyes and turned to face the front. Done with the conversation.

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