Chapter 23

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"You know, I've never heard you call Yeji your girlfriend before." Chaeryeong mentioned as she dug her hand into the bag of chips to pull out a handful.

She shoved them in her mouth and spoke with her mouth full. "You guys have been together for a couple months now."

Ryujin threw her a disgusted glance.

"You know, some people chew with their mouth closed and don't speak."

Chaeryeong narrowed her eyes. "Don't try avoiding the topic."

Ryujin sighed and sat up from her spot on the couch. "I still have to ask her." The basketball player mumbled and Chaeryeong made a muffled noise.

"You've been courting her for how many months now?- and you still have to ask her to be your girlfriend!" The older girl exclaimed through her laughs.

Ryujin glared and shoved the raven haired girl. "Shut up."

"It's just, I get nervous everytime I'm around her. I always want to ask the question, but I just-I get so scared of her answer. She's way different than any other person I've been with."

Chaeryeong swallowed the chips in her mouth and put the bag down, getting seated beside her friend. "Hey, you two are inseparable and the whole school already treats you two as girlfriends. I mean, even Yeri has backed off a bit."

Ryujin looked at her with doubt in her eyes.

"Trust me. Yeji will say yes. She's probably wondering what's taking you so long and her mind is probably filled with doubts as well." Chaeryeong reasoned with her.

The silver haired girl sighed and nodded her head. "Alright, I'll ask her out tonight and do it."

"That's the spirit." Chaeryeong said and slapped her hand on Ryujin's back. The younger flinched at the impact. "Yeah, yeah."

"Anyways, I'm off to Yeji's now."

She abruptly stood up and brushed down her clothes that had chip crumbs over them. Chaeryeong pouted. "Hey, why can't you spend more time with your best friend. I did give you a pep talk."

Ryujin laughed. "I'll see you at school on Monday, Ryeong." The younger woman put on her hoodie. "And besides, Minju's coming over in a few anyways." She mentioned.

At that, Chaeryeong nodded.

Seeing how down her friend got, Ryujin sighed. "Listen, I'm not gonna tell you what to do, but just follow your instincts, alright? And don't screw this up. If you hurt Minju's feelings, I'm coming after you."

Ryujin threatened and Chaeryeong opened her mouth in shock. "Excuse me, you're supposed to be on my side."

"Well, Minju is my girlfriend's best friend. So you better think twice now." Ryujin smirked and waved to the older girl before heading out.

She sat on her bicycle and pedaled to Yeji's house.


Yeji excitedly said as she opened the door to Ryujin. The silver haired grinned stupidly as she felt extremely happy.

"Hey." Ryujin said and pulled Yeji into a hug. The brunette nuzzled her face in Ryujin's neck and teasingly blew air onto it, watching Ryujin's reaction. "Ah." The younger girl pulled away. "I'm ticklish." She complained.

Yeji laughed and looped her arms around Ryujin's neck, bringing her close. She pouted her lips and closed her eyes, waiting for a kiss. Ryujin happily complied and pecked her lips, doing the same to her cheeks and forehead.

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