Chapter 14

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"You know, come to think of it, I've never actually been inside your house properly." Yeji said pausing from writing her notes and staring up at Ryujin, who was just talking about her party.

Ryujin furrowed her brows, thinking back. "Oh ya!" She said in realization. "Well, I guess I'll give you a VIP tour before the party then." She winked at the brunette and looked down to resume writing.

The pair had been sitting in the library for the better part of the hour. Ryujin had just finished up her practice and they both agreed that working somewhere other than in Yeji's room would be efficient, considering Ryujin had a major test coming up.

"So, you think you'll ace this?" Yeji asked with a smirk. Ryujin's grades had slowly rose up from where they were before in the beginning of the year, but she still had a lot of improving to do in Yeji's eyes.

The younger pursed her lips. "I have to ace it. Otherwise I might lose my spot on the team." She spoke, with a determined voice. Just thinking of it brought dread to Ryujin. So far the only thing that has worked out for her in her life was basketball. And if she gets kicked of the team, then what would she be known for? Her whole life was practically centered around the sport. And it would give her mother another reason to complain about her. 

"Hey, you'll be fine." She snapped out of her thoughts when she felt Yeji place her hand over hers, which was gripping the pencil a little too firm. Ryujin sighed, and let the pencil drop from her hands, immediately holding Yeji's hand.

"Sorry, it's just-I can't screw this up." Ryujin looked into the brunette's cat like eyes which still managed to sparkle underneath the dull lighting of the library.

"How about this, you get a passing grade on this test, then I will agree to whatever you ask me to do." Yeji proposed, trying to get Ryujin's mind off of the pressure she was facing. Ryujin's eyebrow rose in amusement. "Anything?" She asked, and Yeji nodded without hesitation.


"Ooh! Can we stop for ice cream!" Ryujin asked excitedly as she spotted an ice cream parlour out of the window of the car. Yeji scrunched her eyebrows and looked at Ryujin. "You want ice cream in this weather? It's practically November, and it's freezing cold." 

"There is no time nor place where it is inappropriate to eat ice cream." Ryujin spoke with a straight face and unbuckled her seatbelt as Yeji pulled up along the curb. The brunette shook her head, but got out of the car as well.

Entering the shop, Ryujin dashed towards the samples to see what she would get. "You're honestly just a big baby." Yeji teased her and reached up to pinch one of Ryujin's cheeks. 

The captain snorted at the comment. "Says the one who looks like an actual baby." She turned her attention towards the ice cream as Yeji glared at her fiercely. "I'm not a baby! Heck, I'm way more mature than you." She protested and crossed her arms, pouting.

Ryujin replied without turning. "Sure Yeji." Yeji sighed and backed down from the teasing. "Ooh! I wanna get cookies and cream!" Ryujin said excitedly. Yeji looked through the flavors herself and chose one. "I want the milk one." 

Ryujin scrunched her face in confusion. "Why would you take the milk flavored ice cream? Out of everything?" She asked as they moved to the cashier. "Because it's the best flavor, duh." Yeji playfully rolled her eyes at Ryujin and they both chuckled.

"Can I please get a cookies and cream and one milk ice cream please." Ryujin ordered and dug through her pockets to find some change. "Hey, I'll pay for my own." "Nu-uh." Ryujin put her finger up. "I'm paying for yours as well. You can just owe me." She winked before pulling out a few bills and coins. 

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