Chapter 12

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"Grab your ticket to enter this year's Halloween contest!"

Yeji stopped and turned to see a table and Choi Jisu sitting behind it.

"Hey you! Come and get a ticket for the contest!" Some other girl who was standing beside the table called out to her. She walked over, and recognized the person sitting to Jisu's left. Yeri.

Her appearance made Yeji's stomach queasy. She couldn't help but think of the last encounter she had with her in the bathroom a few weeks back. She was never one for drama or for arguments. Was that what it was? An argument? A better word for that was a confrontation. Either way, Yeji had never experienced something like that before, so she had no idea what to do about it. The brunette made eye contact for a split second, but looked down on the table.

She grabbed a ticket, and was ready to get out the hell out of the vicinity.

Yeji may be naive, but she wasn't an idiot. She knew that Yeri was obviously crushing on Ryujin, and that she hadn't had much luck, thanks to Yeji. But it wasn't her fault that Ryujin started to court her, right?

And then there was the matter of Choi Jisu. And she was confusing as hell. Some days Yeji thought she hated her, other days it looked like she liked her, and sometimes it seemed that she didn't even know of her existence.

"Hey Yeji." She heard her name called out and she reluctantly looked up to face Jisu. "Are you coming to the Halloween Bash? It's at Ryujin's place." She asked. Yeji furrowed her brows. "She said that it would be a small gathering, not a party."

Yeri scoffed from beside her. "Please, everyone knows that the biggest party of the year is Halloween at Ryujin's. She said and flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Last year was very..." She trailed off with a smirk and looked directly into Yeji's eyes. "unforgettable." Yeri spoke just above a whisper.

Yeji clenched her fists at her side and willed herself to take a deep breath. Yeri was only trying to get under her nerves, and she wasn't going to let her do that.

"It must have been amazing." Yeji smiled forcibly and inhaled sharply. "It sure was." Yeri said and leaned forward on the desk, trying to get closer to Yeji. She was about to say more, but a hand on her shoulder stopped her.

"We'll see you at the party then. Bye Yeji." Choi Jisu said and pulled Yeri so her back was resting against the chair again.

The brunette nodded, mentally thanking Jisu and spinning around, walking away from them.

"What was that?" Yeri asked as Yeji left. Jisu rolled her eyes. "You've got to stop trying to intimidate her." She said and Yeri furrowed her brows in confusion. "I'm not trying to intimidate her, I'm just reminding her where her place is."

"Yeah, and right now it would be by Ryujin's side."

Jisu answered and faced the front to smile at the next person who came to get a ticket. Yeri poked her tongue on the inside of her cheek, trying to calm her anger down at what her friend just said.

"Ooh, you should go as the creepy clown we saw yesterday!" Ryujin exclaimed with a teasing smile. Yeji opened her mouth in disbelief and grabbed a pillow, throwing it at Ryujin's face.

"Kidding." Ryujin chuckled and caught the pillow, placing it over her lap instead. "So what do you want to be?"

Yeji laid back on her bed and scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. "I have no idea. It's not like I want to win that contest anyways, so it doesn't matter." Ryujin frowned at that. "Why not? You'd be perfect for a halo." Ryujin praised.

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