Chapter 21

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Yeji walked into school, heading straight to her locker and opening it up. 

"Hey!" The brunette jumped and whipped her head around to see Minju wearing a bright smile on her face. Yeji groaned and leaned her head on the lockers.

"How could you be so full of energy on the first day back?" Yeji asked and straightened herself up to get her books out.

Minju shrugged. "Not sure. But I think it has to do with the three cups of coffee I had in the morning." She spoke all jittery and fast. The raven haired rocked back and forth on the heels of her feet, not being able to stand still. 

"You had three cups?!" Yeji exclaimed. "Your body comes crashing down on only one." She gave her best friend a concerned look, but Minju just waved her off. "It's fine. I'm fine. Now are you fine? Because I'm not fine." She jumbled on. 

Yeji sighed and shook her head. "I'm tired already." She responded, already knowing what Minju was trying to ask.

They both headed towards Minju's class first, Yeji wanting to safely drop her off so Minju doesn't end up wandering the halls aimlessly for an hour.

"I'll see you at lunch." She called out after her friend as she dashed into the room.

Settling into her seat, Yeji took her textbook out and flipped open to the correct page, reading ahead. The teacher had already begun talking, but she decided to zone him out since she already knew what they were going to do.


She felt a nudge on her arm and turned around with an irritated expression on her face. But that changed into confusion as she saw Joy's face.

"Uhm, Joy?" She asked, unsure. Up until this point, the brunette didn't even realize that she had a class with her. It was funny even, since Yeji had never seen the redhead without a certain Choi Jisu to the left of her, and Yeri on Jisu's other side.

Joy nodded her head and scooted her chair closer to Yeji. "So, you had your first time over the break, huh?" She asked and Yeji turned even more confused. "Excuse me?"

Joy rolled her eyes. "You're being so obvious right now. Of course you did it. You know, I always knew that you never did it before but I can't believe that it was with Ryujin." She went on and Yeji got a hint of what she was talking about. 

"Wait-What are you talking about?" Yeji said alarmed. Joy stopped and looked at her with an obvious expression. "Uhm, you doing the dirty?"

Yeji widened her eyes and her cheeks immediately turned red. "What!"

"Miss Hwang, if you want to stay in my class I advice you keep your volume down." the teacher glared at her through his glasses. Yeji timidly nodded her head before whipping her head around to Joy again.

"What." She whisper yelled and Joy shook her head at her antics. "Come on, the whole school has been buzzing about it. Now will you tell me or no?"

"I-No!" Yeji denied quietly. "So you won't tell me?" "No-I mean-Ugh." Yeji ran her fingers through her hair and groaned. She felt her cheeks burn from how embarrassed she was at the moment and wanted the ground to crack open and swallow her whole.

"Nothing happened between Ryujin and I, and what do you mean the whole school is buzzing about it? " Joy furrowed her brows hearing that. "That's bull. Someone said they saw you two doing it in the back of a car." She explained, ignoring the second part of Yeji's sentence. 

"What-No-Stop talking about it." Yeji stuttered and turned back to her textbook. Joy snickered. "Ah, I guess I was wrong then."

"Yes, you were." Yeji agreed quickly. Joy shook her head. "Well, good luck explaining it to the rest of the school." She patted her shoulder and scooted her chair back to her assigned seat.

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