Chapter 28

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"Come on Ryujin, I need to leave now." Yeji said once more.

Ryujin only tightened her hold on the brunette's waist. "Just five more minutes. Please?" She pleaded. Yeji sighed, but complied as she stopped resisting and leaned down on Ryujin, who was laying on the couch.

They were relaxing in Ryujin's empty house and after watching their second movie and finishing their second bag of popcorn, their attention shifted somewhere else.

The younger grinned happily and kissed Yeji slowly, carefully taking off her glasses. She placed them behind her and put her hands back on Yeji's waist, softly trailing them up and down her back.

Yeji whimpered under her breath as Ryujin bit onto her lower lip. She was about to go and attack the younger's neck, but a voice suddenly made them both freeze. 

"And what do you young ladies think you're doing?"

The bright light turned on and Yeji snapped her head up to see a blurry figure of a woman standing in front of them with her arms crossed.

"Mom!" Ryujin exclaimed from underneath her and Yeji then flung herself off of her, falling rather ungracefully onto the floor. 

"Ryujin's mom! Miss Shin!" The brunette exclaimed tapping around randomly to find her glasses so she could see properly. Ryujin handed the frames to Yeji and she sighed in relief, finally being able to see.

"What are you doing here? You were supposed be gone till night." Ryujin asked, partly in irritation. She sat up and adjusted her partly wrinkled clothes.

"In case you guys didn't notice, it is nighttime." She said, gesturing to the night sky that was beyond the open curtains. 

Yeji scrambled to her feet and dusted off her clothes, bowing. "Sorry, I was just headed out." She said in apology.

Ryujin's mom looked at the two of them and sighed. "I never expected to come home to find my daughter making out on my special, custom made couch." She murmured under her breath. Ryujin stood up beside Yeji, chuckling nervously. 

"Sorry mom, I insisted for Yeji to stay longer." she said, rubbing the back of her neck.

Yeji's face couldn't have possibly been more red than it was, but she was proved wrong when Miss Shin gestured to her neck. "You have a little mark there." 

Yeji widened her eyes and immediately covered up her neck, harshly slapping her hand over the mark. It stung badly, but it was nothing compared to the embarrassment she was facing at the moment.

At that, Ryujin's mom laughed, shaking her head. 

"Well, it's best you get home to your parents, Yeji. Ryujin? Make sure she gets there safely. It's pretty dark out there." Her mom reminded her before finally turning around and heading up the stairs.

When Ryujin's mom was safely out of sight, Yeji wailed and fell onto the couch, burying her face in a pillow.

"I wish the ground can just open up and take me in right now." Her voice came out muffled, but Ryujin heard her. 

She only laughed and rubbed Yeji's back in sympathy.

"Now that's a lot of people." Yeji commented as she got out of the car. Ryujin nodded her head as she came out too. She rounded the car and grabbed hold of the brunette's hand smiling gently. Yeji smiled back and looked at Ryujin with softness in her eyes.

A loud slam was heard behind them and they turned around to see Minju come out, annoyed. "You do realize that I was in the car too right?" 

Ryujin laughed and Yeji snorted while her friend stomped up to them. 

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