Chapter 24

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"Maybe this was a mistake."

Ryujin said as she attempted to turn around, but Yeji's face made her stop. The silver haired sighed and slouched her shoulders. "I'm gonna lose, what's the point of even playing?" 

Yeji tilted her chin up so she could look into her eyes. "Don't be such a Debby downer." She teased and Ryujin glared at her jokingly. "Oh come on." The brunette said and tugged on the silver haired girl's hand.

"You're going to play and you're going to enjoy it. It'll be a nice experience and I'll be cheering you on!" The older girl said rather optimistically. Ryujin shook her head and chuckled. "You're really stubborn, you know that?" She mentioned and reluctantly walked ahead with Yeji.

"I know." Yeji said and leaned up to give the captain and peck on her lips.

"Oh, Shin!" The couple heard the older kid standing in the mostly rundown court call out.

A couple other older looking kids smiled at them, although Yeji swore she sensed something bad at that moment.

Ryujin raised her hand in acknowledgement as she walked over.

The girl she knew as Sunmi walked out with a bright smile. "Ryujin! You made it." She walked close and engulfed her in a tight hug. Ryujin widened her eyes in surprise and smiled awkwardly. "Y-Yeah."

Yeji side eyed them and felt her mood deflate little by little. "Yep. We're here." She couldn't help mention and when everyone turned to her with an amused look in their eyes, she looked down with red cheeks and shuffled a little backwards.

Sunmi smirked and let go of Ryujin.

"This is Yeji, m-my girlfriend." Ryujin said with hot cheeks as she finally introduced Yeji as hers, which she was dying to do for ages.

Yeji showed a tight lipped smile and squealed in her head. Ryujin said 'my girlfriend!' She mentally did a little celebratory dance before returning back to the present.

"Alright, well these are the people who you're up against." Sunmi shifted to the side and gestured behind her to the group of five who were standing around, ball in hand.

The captain, Ryujin presumed, smirked and walked up to her.

"We've heard a lot about you, Shin."

Ryujin's gaze hardened and she fixed her stance, no longer being smiley and shy.

"And, these are the girls you could choose from to play with." Sunni turned around to see a couple others at the side of the court. 

The silver haired took a good look at them and noticed one girl. That was Miyawaki Sakura, Ryujin thought. She never really had a conversation with the college student, but she knew enough from hearing Chaeryeong complain about her constantly.

Apparently Chaeyeon never shuts up about her and is always gushing over her girlfriend. 

"I guess you wanted to be on my team?" Ryujin asked as she called the older girl over. Sakura chuckled.

"Yep. Chaeryeong told me about this game and I thought, why not."

Ryujin nodded and felt a little relieved that she knew of at least one person on her team. 

After choosing three others, they moved to their sides and began the game.

Yeji walked off to a nearby bench and sat down after dusting it off. Pulling out a novel from her bag, she fixed her glasses and began reading, keeping watch over Ryujin from time to time. The brunette would always cheer quietly and bounced in joy when Ryujin would score a basket or assist.

High School Sweet Hearts (Ryeji)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang