Chapter 9

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Ryujin groaned and squinted her eyes as she felt sharp rays of sun hit her eyes. Rubbing her eyes, she slowly opened them to see a head of hair in her face. Ryujin widened her eyes in surprise and back away, unwrapping her arms around the body.

"Holy shit." Ryujin whispered in fear and lifted up the covers, thankful that she was wearing clothes. "Oh, thank God." The girl said, sighing in relief. She winced feeling her head pound in her skull. 

"What did I even do last night?" Ryujin questioned herself and picked up the glass of water and pill that was on the nightstand. She placed the tablet in her mouth and drank the rest of the water, putting the glass back. Looking around the room properly, she noticed that it was familiar. 

"Yeji?" Ryujin asked in confusion and leaned over to see the other person in her bed, surprised that it was her tutor. "Yeji." She nudged the sleeping brunette, trying to wake her up.

"Ugh." Yeji groaned feeling her body wake up without her approval. "Stop Yuna." She grumbled in her sleep and sunk her head further into her pillow.

"It's not Yuna, it's Ryujin." Ryujin whispered into Yeji's ear. The brunette's eyes flew open and she jolted up, hitting Ryujin's chin along the way. "Sorry." Yeji panicked seeing Ryujin wince holding onto her face.

"It's fine." Ryujin said, smiling at the distraught Yeji. "So, mind filling me in on what happened last night?" She asked as she leaned on her side and placed her head on her hand, looking at Yeji.

The brunette stifled a yawn. "You don't remember anything?" She spoke in disbelief. "Why? Is that a bad thing?" Ryujin said playfully. Yeji sighed.

"No, it's not." She softly replied and looked into the younger's eyes.

Ryujin breathed out and stared into Yeji's cat like eyes. "You have beautiful eyes." She said in a daze. Yeji blushed and almost squirmed under the intensity of Ryujin's soft gaze.

"Yeji! Mom made breakfast!" The two widened their eyes and looked at each other in alarm.

"W-What should I-" Ryujin didn't get the chance to finish her sentence as the door slowly opened.

The brunette sat up and shoved Ryujin off of the bed, causing her to land on the floor with a thud.

"What was that?" Yuna questioned and entered the room, seeing Yeji awake and sitting on her bed, way more alert than usual.

"I'm fine Yuna. I'll be down shortly." Yeji responded curtly, feeling nervous under her younger sister's suspicious gaze. Yuna put her hands on her hips and raised her eyebrow. "What are you hiding?" She said slowly.

Yeji gulped. "Nothing." She said unconvincingly. The brunette got up and smiled and Yuna. "Bye now." She walked over to her and pushed her out of her room, closing the door and locking it afterwards.

"Ryujin?" She whispered. Yeji crouched under the bed to come face to face with a wide eyed Ryujin under her bed. "It's safe now."

Ryujin carefully scooted out of the bottom of Yeji's bed and grimaced. "You really had to shove me like that?" She rubbed her lower back, where it had slammed onto the floor. Yeji winced. "Sorry about that. Seems like I've been getting you hurt a lot lately." Yeji reached her hands out for Ryujin to take.

Grunting, Ryujin got up and stretched. "What should I do now? Jump through the window?" She walked over and looked through it.

"Wait? Is that Jisu's room? Woah, that's crazy." Ryujin said as she peered through the window. Yeji walked behind Ryujin.

"It won't be a good idea jumping out. It's too high." Ryujin huffed. "Well, what am I supposed to do then? Walk down the stairs and have breakfast?" Yeji rolled her eyes. "No." She responded. "Just wait up here until my mom heads out. She probably has work today." The brunette walked over to her closet to throw on a hoodie, feeling a little cold.

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