Chapter 40

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"Holy mother of chicken heaven!" 

Chaeryeong exclaimed loudly as she rummaged through her room and the various articles of clothing thrown about.

"Babe, please don't tell me you lost your graduation cap." Jisu finished putting her mascara on and placed it down, looking at her girlfriend through the mirror. 

Chaeryeong whined and began to search even harder. "Lia, I can't find it!" She flopped onto her bed, not caring for her black dress as it poofed around her.

The blonde fixed her hair one last time before turning from the mirror and looking through Chaeryeong's closet. She found the graduation cap in no time and she flung it across the room towards her girlfriend.

Chaeryeong gasped as it landed on her. "Ooh, Choi Jisu you're a lifesaver!" She got up and fixed her dress.

The former head cheerleader just grinned and shrugged. "I try."

"Now come on, we have to go pick up Ryujin and Yeji before the brunch starts." Jisu said as she grabbed her own gown and cap.

"Jisu!" Yeji exclaimed and waved her arm out as she saw the familiar convertible pull up into the street. 

The car pulled up in front of them and Jisu pushed her sunglasses up from her eyes, shooting Yeji a wink. 

As the brunette piled into the backseat, Chaeryeong looked around for the final member of their group.

"Where's Ryujin?" She asked.

"Oh she lost her grad cap, so she's looking for it now." The brunette explained as she buckled up. Jisu laughed from the front. 

"You two definitely are best friends." She said to Chaeryeong, who rolled her eyes and grumbled quietly to herself.

"Ryujin's a much bigger idiot than I am though." She said quietly. 

A few moments after, Ryujin emerged from the front door, cap held in hand. "Found it!"

Yeji cheered from her seat while Jisu honked the horn. After everyone was in, the blonde drove to the pre graduation brunch that the school was holding. After that it would be the ceremony in the afternoon.

As the group of four, drove through the roads, Yeji cuddled up to Ryujin, who gladly put her arm around her and gave her a kiss on her head.

"I can't believe we're really graduating." She whispered into Ryujin's ear. Their hair was flowing freely through the air and although they had spent hours getting ready, none of them seemed to mind it.

Ryujin grinned and looked down. "I know. It feels like yesterday when it was the first day of high school. And now we're finally going to move on."

Ryujin turned her attention to the front and she smiled brightly seeing Choi Jisu put out her hand on the center counsel, only to see Chaeryeong intertwine her fingers with hers. The blonde looked over and brought their hands up to give the raven haired a kiss on her knuckles. 

"We all grew up so much in these years." She said. Yeji sighed beside her. "And we have much more growth left."

"And now I would like to call upon this year's class valedictorian. This individual not only excelled in all academic classes, but they were heavily involved in the fourth consecutive victory of this year's chess tournament. They have shown great interest in helping others as they tutored one of their classmates and have shown extreme generosity and kindness throughout their high school experience. I am honored to call upon Hwang Yeji to give her speech."

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