Chapter 9

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A/N: Here is the double update as promised. The second chapter mightcome out a bit late today because I have a busy schedulebut it will come out before 1pm est!!

Y/n’s P.O.V.

The next morning had come quite quicklier than I had expected it to come and I never wanted it to come so soon due to my overwhelming amount of fatigue coursing through my body at that time.

I spent the whole of yesterday waiting for the arrival of my newly forged sword from the swordsmith village, pacing around relentlessly and ignorantly for my health, but it never came to pass.

A part of me regretted not listening to Giyuu’s advice about taking a short rest to help calm down my muscles tensions and mind but the rest of me refused to give in.

“... ..k. ..” a faint voice hushed in the background, gaining my attention for quite a bit before quickly ignoring it.

I laid on my semi-comfortable futon, denying myself the right to stand up. It was too early for me to be active according to the senses that still had enough energy to focus on my environment.

Mumbling little and counterproductive words under my unequal breath, I curled myself in the futon under the blanket, purposely allowing my face to be directed the other way of the window to avoid the direct hit of the sun on my s/c colored face.

This was a first for me. I would normally wake up earlier before the sun even came up to ensure enough preparation but today was an exception in my case.

“Y.. w.k. .p!” There it goes again. I wonder who that is.

Slowly drifting back into sleep, the only thoughts that came to my mind were of sleeping and sleep only.

Tiredness had completely overtaken all the remaining active senses in my body while my eyes were beginning to close shut.

But then..

Suddenly my whole body was wet with cold liquid making my eyes immediately open wide, desperately searching for the cause of this disaster that  had befell on me.

“Y/n wake up!!!” was all he said when my eyes locked with those familiar eyes. There he was standing beside my futon, a bucket in his hand and an annoyed look he wore on his face.

“Giyuu……” I muffled inaudibly, but audible enough for him to hear me.

“GIYUU YOU DEPRESSED BASTARD!!!!” I fumed audibly, standing up from the now soaked futon in pure rage. 

“WHAT GAVE YOU THE AUDACITY TO POUR FREEZING COLD WATER ON ME WHILE I WAS ASLEEP!!!” I shouted in his face then tackled him on the ground, hitting him as hard as I could out of no emotion but anger.

“IT’S ALREADY MORNING!” he defended himself, trying to pry me off of him.




“You need to stop spending time with Shinobu!! She’s becoming a bad influence!!”   

Seconds had passed by and Giyuu had enough of you lashing out on him, and you could tell that by measuring the amount of strength he had applied to pry you off of him.

Because of the heavy force he had used to push you, the impact on the ground was an accurate replica.

“Oww” I hushed.

“When you calm down there’s sencha and ohagi prepared already for you to eat” He stated before leaving the room while closing the door with a loud bang to show he was mad.

‘When you calm down’ I mimicked him getting up from the ground and using my little hands to try to squeeze all the water off of my uniform. 

Thus following after, I gently opened the door, or in other terms I tried to open it only for it to fall flat on the ground creating an audible sound that echoed through the estate.

“H-he” I thought an irk mark forming on the right side of my forehead.

“He broke my door”

*3rd person’s P.O.V*

Giyuu furiously walked out of the room now on his way on a mission in a town south.

Earlier, his crow had told him about a new urgent mission, but before he left, he decided to wake y/n up only to get assaulted by her.

In between his even breathing, he unwillingly cursed himself for stepping foot in that room in the first place.

Walking out of the estate, he had encountered Muichiro strolling by while looking at the clouds.

Not bothering to start up a conversation, he had quickly just brushed past him but had stopped when he had reached his side.

Quietly and quickly, he whispered a question in the plain boy’s ear, before leaving him standing there and  searching for an answer.

Not long after, the h/c colored girl had come out of the estate originally looking for her ravenette brother but was caught off guard seeing Muichiro just standing there and staring at the floor.

“When will I tell her?” he faintly mumbled to himself, still thinking of an answer to his question. Y/n stared at him confused and curious on what he was going on and on about enough for her to ask him.

“Muichiro? What are you thinking about?” her voice had surprised him enough to break through his thoughts and to make him look at her.

“You” he nonchalantly replied to her question causing her s/c cheeks to tint the slightest bit of pink as she was flustered by the sudden and bland answer given to her.

A/N: If you are black/brown in this fan fiction, just say you were flustered.

“Me?” she questioned again.

“Yes” he told her, and before she could reply to him, he spoke up again, cutting her off.

“Did you receive my letter?” he asked the slayer, staring deep into her e/c colored eyes with his mint ones.

‘Letter?’ she pondered on what he could’ve been saying, then got a flash of her memory from yesterday in light of his letter given to her by GInko.

“I received it” she smiled at him for a short period of time remembering his effort in writing a letter to her but was quickly followed by a frown that replaced her smile.

“But I forgot to reply. Sorry for that Muichiro-kun” again, she apologized to him, but deep inside his wavering thoughts that passed by each second, it didn’t matter.

“Eh” was all he said before looking up to gaze at the clear blue sky lingering his focus away from the e/c colored slayer in front of him.

“Hey y/n?” he asked her, still not daring to retract his thoughtful gaze from above.

“Yes?” she replied to the bland boy’s question.

“What do you think is the shape of that cloud?” he quiered her, pointing up at a particular misty cloud up in the clouds, making the h/c colored girl look up the the direction his finger pointed in.

“ looks like a cloud?” she responded, making the mint eyed boy look back at her with a nonchalant gaze.

‘It is a cloud. Didn’t I already say that or did she just not hear me?’ he wondered at her bliss ignorance.

“Is it just me, or is that a crow?” she questioned, pointing up at a black figure soaring high up in the sky just above their heads with what looked like a tear at the edges of its eyes.


Word count: 1276 words.

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