Chapter 13

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A/N: Enjoy the chapter!

Y/n’s P.O.V

I stood there on the pathway dumbfounded about the scene that had just unraveled in front of me.

What had just happened? I had absolutely no idea.

Did he read minds? Who knew? My mind wondered about the possible explanation for this coincidental event but no reason came to mind.

I was still undergoing shock that I had accidentally let go of the ramen bowl I was formally holding, allowing it to fall to the ground and break into pieces.

It was as if that sound was enough to bring me back to my senses at the time because I at least moved an inch.

“That sure is one special boy” I said to myself, picking up the broken pieces of glass that had fallen down, but in the course of doing so, the letter that Muichiro had sent me had also fallen down.

I sighed when I picked it up then untied the red rope and read it again.

‘He really apologized, I should probably do as the boy said and forgive him. Knowing him, he must’ve just forgotten to tell me’ I reasoned with myself before finally continuing to head back to the water estate.

Once the view of the fresh green bamboo forest caught my eye, I was relieved I was finally back.

I forcefully dragged my body along the stone path and immediately headed inside my room and collapsed on the futon due to fatigue.

The last thing I heard before I fell unconscious were soft and partially unnoticeable footsteps coming towards me.

Time skip

I fluttered my eyes open and pondered on what could have happened when I fell asleep.

Looking down at my body, I noticed a mismatched haori laid precisely on my body and undoubtedly I knew who’s it was.

I turned to the right to see Giyuu’s head draped down to the futon as his body was perfectly balanced on a chair. He looked peaceful if I may say.

My body had moved upwards allowing me to fully stand up from the futon, but I also carefully made sure not to drop his haori on the dirty floor of the estate.

Quite quickly, I placed the haori over him then walked out of the room and looked at the sun setting.

“CAW! CAW! HEAD SOUTH! SOUTH! MISSION WITH THE WIND PILLAR!” my crow circled above me continuously shouting the message.

‘Wind pillar’ I mentally questioned before signaling the crow to leave so that its noise wouldn’t wake Giyuu up.

He had probably been busy the past weeks so it is better that he gets some rest now.

And with that thought, I had taken off into the south direction willing to go on the mission even though my entire body was still experiencing a sharp pain.

I had no idea what the wind pillar actually looked like since I had only seen the pillars in the funeral and I actually hoped that the pillar’s personality was somewhat like Giyuu’s, Shinobu’s or Muichiro’s personality but…..

My hopes had been crushed when I first set my eyes one the one I had assumed was him.

I could already tell by his threatening aura what his personality was going to be like making me mentally prepare myself.

“You must be that idiot slayer that is supposed to accompany me. No matter how many times I said I don’t need anyone” he spat at my face not even sparing me a glance.

“This is how this mission is going to go you brat. Firstly, do not speak, do anything, nor leave my sight. Do you hear me? Don’t even think of trying to fight with me, I don’t need your useless attempts to help” he warned, finally turning to look at my enraged state.

‘Who does this guy think he is?’

“Oi brat! I asked a question, don’t make me repeat it” he threatened stepping closer to me.

“Didn’t you just say that I shouldn’t speak, oh master?” I innocently asked before walking away from him.

“This brat!” I could hear him exclaim catching up to me.

“Do you know who you are talking to?! Don’t you know how to respect your elders!?” he scolded but again got no reply from me.

“I’ll fucking kill you if you ignore me again!” he issued more curse words and threats towards me.

‘Didn’t this guy just say that I shouldn’t speak?’ I deadpanned looking at his clearly agitated face. I, too, was trying my best to maintain my calm composure in front of this guy.

“You know what?! Screw you. I don’t need an idiotic brat to help me slay demons!” he finally said before storming off to who knows where.

Since I was left completely alone in the middle of an unfamiliar street, I took the pleasure in exploring this town.

I was quite enjoying myself before I heard a scream at the end of a passageway.

I quickly ran to the sword and saw the Hashira from earlier battling a demon. Well, more like playing with it.

It seemed like he enjoyed torturing the demon by himself, so I quietly just let him be.

But before I could leave the passageway, I had suddenly got hit from behind. 

I groaned because that had added to the pain already present in my body then I quickly unsheathed my sword and faced that direction ready to fight.

No one was there.

And again, another hit had come to my right as I was unable to block or dodge this attack.

‘It’s probably a demon who can hide its presence’ I realized, drawing out my sword and holding it in front of me.

“Seventh form, Dark haze” I said to myself as black fog had emerged from my surrounding environments.

‘Where is it? I can’t keep this form up for long’ I thought, quickly looking around until my senses finally locked unto a form in the near distance.


“Fifth form, Darkness abyss!” I shouted then in the blink of an eye, I dashed forward towards the shadow and quickly sent waves of shadow covered slashes towards the shadow.

Unexpectedly, the shadow had disappeared leaving me in a confused state but all was going slow as I realized something.

A quick gush of wind suddenly erupted from behind me sending shivers down my spine and making my eyes widen in fear.

‘It was behind me this whole time’

To be continued

Word count: 1084 words.

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