Chapter 19

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Y/n's P.O.V.

It had officially been one week since I had arrived here at the butterfly estate, and I was now beginning to finally remember the reason I had always avoided it's rehabilitation training it offered for the injured member of the Demon Slayer Corps.

It was rigorous to say. Extremely rigorous at first. Slowly but painfully, the three girls that provided aid to the estate; Sumi, Naho and Kiyo, massaged and helped loosen all the muscle tension built up in the body.

Some may enjoy massages on many occasions, but what threw me off guard was the amount of pain that coursed through my body during the training. I clearly underestimated them because of their size, and in my opinion, that is what made it all the more painful.

The second stage of the training was a reflex test if I remember correctly. I had to face off either Aoi or Kanao and both had extremely fast reflexes making me lose to them all the time.

And last but not the least, was the game of 'tag'. I don't even want to remember that stage because it was like hell on earth. But all those challenges didn't stop me from progressing nonetheless.

I, myself, am known for overworking myself even though I was at such a young age, but no one could understand my driving force that made me go through all that training.

During my time at the estate, time seemed to move faster than usual. Whether it was because I was used to quite a boring experience at home, or I was not used to all the activity, I couldn't figure out the reason why that was so.

One, two, three...ah yes, three months had passed since I had arrived here and I was improving at a fair pace.

Giyuu would often come visit, not for me, but for the fact he had gotten some injuries during the mission that needed to be treated. Selfish maybe? But I just figured that he knew and had faith that I was doing well while absent from home.

Muichiro on the other hand? I had not seen him since the day I found him wondering about the estate three months ago. It really made me think about the possibility of him forgetting about me again, but I decided not to focus on that for too long.

I vividly remember that day, I didn't know why or want to know why, but the words he said were always carried with me in every activity I indulged in during my lifespan.

It was a cloudy night, but it never failed to express its beauty through the stars that adorned the sky.

I was in the training yard, vigorously swinging a wooden sword at the practice dummy before I heard very subtle footsteps come my way.

"Oh look who it is, porcupine head" I exaggerated, already knowing who the mysterious person was for he was the only one in the estate during the day while I was training.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!" And yes, I was right for once. The white-haird slayer approached me frustrated, grabbing the collar of my shirt and lifting me off the ground.

When I saw he had raised his fist in the air, I immediately closed my eyes shut, waiting for it to land on my s/c face but I was amazed when I felt myself being put back on the ground quite gently.

Hesitantly, I opened my eyes back to see a more calm expression laid on his face before I watched him lay down on the partly soft green grass on the floor.

"Tch. I'm not here to fight you" He grumbled, putting both his hands in their consecutive pockets and staring up at the sky. Well at least that was until I stared down at him, fully blocking his view.

"Then what ARE you here for?" I asked him curious, for what other reason could a human being possibly think of, that one of the most hot headed people they knew of wasn't there to fight.

"Would you get out of my way!? You're blocking my view!" he complained, forcefully pushing me away from his sight.

"You're always so stubborn and persistent. Won't listen to your elders and don't know when to give up. I hate people like you" he pointed out, gritting his teeth in anger as it reminded of a certain brother of his who kept disturbing his peaceful time.

"Oh really? If I'm that, then what are you?" I asked him sarcastically, now standing beside the male and staring at him calmly.

"Isn't it obvious?" He replied, my eyebrow raising trying to figure out the answer that was supposedly 'obvious'.

"Stupid? A hot head? A pomeranian?" I answered him, immediately laughing when seeing the angry and murderous look on his face. But once again, surprisingly, he calmed down in order to avoid any sort of casualties.

"Smart, funny, the best slayer, amazing, hands-" he listed, before getting interrupted by my evidently 'real' cough noises that came out from my lips.

"Oh I'm sorry, you were saying something- *cough*" I stated before bursting out into another fit of laughter until my ribs started to hurt.

I turned my head into the direction of where the man used to lie in only to find him gone from the spot.

'Maybe he left out of frustration' I wondered, picking up the wooden floor I dropped the moment he entered the training arena and just like that, I continued training.

I had no time to waste wondering and thinking of such useless things while instead I could be making the most out of it.

"Y/n-san!" a petite voice shouted from in front of me as I used my right hand to clean off all the sweat that had gathered on my forehead.

'They've come back?'

"It's dinner time!" the young girl shouted again before a series of giggles left her mouth.

"Let me shower first!" I replied to her then dropped the wooden sword again on the ground prior to jogging to where the helper was standing.

'You're always so stubborn and persistent. Won't listen to your elders and don't know when to give up'

'Hmm, I wonder what he meant by that.....'

Word count: 1058 words.

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