Chapter 8: Walk

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--------------------------------------------------------Tim's POV:----------------------------------------------------------

I had to admit, I was super nervous. For some reason going to Percy's apartment was more of a challenge. 

The elevator ride up felt like an eternity as I waited for the 7th beep to ring out. 

When it finally did I walked to Percy's door. I stood in front of her door my hands fiddling with a flower that I had brought in my hand. It was at this moment that I was glad I had driven myself cause I know that the others would be all up in my business by this point. I made sure to bring a larger car so we could fit all the cookies. 

I took a deep breath and extended my hand out to knock but for some reason it froze about an inch away. I pushed past my anxiety and knocked.



3 seconds before I heard a loud thud.

"I'll be right there!" Percy's voice rang out from inside.

A second later Percy appeared in front of me and I couldn't help the slight catch in my throat. She was absolutely stunning. Her onyx black hair was half up in a ponytail and the other half was cascading down her back. Her dress matched her eyes perfectly and it also complimented her figure nicely. All in all I'd say she looked like what I imagined a goddess to look like. 

"whoa..." It accidentally slipped out as I continued to stare, not being able to take my eyes off of her.

"It's bad isn't it. I'm sorry I asked my friend since I don't really have any-" She fussed but I cut her off. 

"Percy, you look great!" I gave her a reassuring smile and I watched as all her stress seemed to leave her posture as she returned the smile. 

"Thanks Tim, you look great as well" 

We continued to stare at each other before I remembered the flower in my hand. "O-Oh uhhh here! I picked it up on the way over here, though it's not much." I handed her the flower, she took it gently as her smile grew. 

"Thanks Drake" Once again we fell into a nice silence before I heard. "Percy! Get your butt in here before I drop these cookies!"

A panicked look fell onto Percy's face before she ran back inside leaving the door wide open. 

I decided it'd be okay to walk in so I followed after her. There was four large bags filled with tupperware containers that contained all the cookies we made. Holding one of those bags was a small black haired kid, he had pale skin and a large aviator jacket. 

"I'm sorry Neeks!" Percy rushed over and grabbed the other three bags by shoving two onto her arms and carrying the third in her arms. 

"You, show us to the car before I drop these" The smaller boy commanded. I nodded before guiding the two behind me and out to the street where I had parked the car. The kid had complained the whole time, grumbling about something like wanting to be back in his cabin. 

"here" I opened the back seat door and they shoved the cookies inside. This time I got a good look at the kid. He had dark eyes, so dark they were almost black. Under those eyes he had deep bags, almost like he hadn't slept in a week, he was also smaller but he looked like he could destroy me if he wanted to. I decided not to test this theory out.

"I swear if something happens to Percy I will find you, and I will kill you" The kid poked me in the chest while giving me a menacing glare that could probably rival Bruce's before walking back to Percy's apartment. 

"Sorry about him, he's very... protective" Percy said as she watched him walk back. She quickly turned back around to meet my gaze, a lopsided grin appearing on her face, replacing the small smile she had before. 

"You ready to go?" She asked, her voice was soft and melodic. I felt my heart squeeze a bit. 

I nodded and I walked her to the passengers seat before opening up the door for her. 

"Why thank you" She said in a funny accent. I held in the chuckle as I replied.

"Of course madam" I bowed slightly before closing the door. I quickly walked to the other side of the car and got into the drivers seat. I looked over to see Percy who was fiddling with the sleeves of her dress. I quickly started the car before starting to drive to the party. 

The ride was filled with Percy's singing and I admit I occasionally joined in as well.


"Oh my Gods, who knew cookies could be so heavy!" Percy exclaimed as she set the bags down on the table. Immediately the helpers Bruce had hired started to take them out of their containers and laying them out in a elaborate set up.

I set down the other two bags I had as well before turning to Percy. We were early so the decorations were still being set up and the others wouldn't be here for a while. 

"So, wanna walk outside for a bit? We have about 30 minutes till guests will start arriving." I asked.

Percy seemed to think about it for a minute before nodding. "I'd love to." 

We both started making our way towards the exit. Once we got outside I looked down to Percy. She had a small smile on her face as she turned to face me. 

"So where to?"she asked. 

"How about we just go and we see where it takes us?" 

She nodded, her smile growing a bit. 

So off we went. 

The place that Bruce had rented out this time was a place on the outskirts of Gotham, it was a larger place that had a nice ballroom. The outside also had nice gardens so I directed us in that direction.

After a minute or two of walking I felt a source of cold come from my hand. I looked down to see that Percy had grabbed my hand again, though she was shivering. 

I remembered that it was the middle of winter and Percy currently wasn't wearing the most insulating pieces of clothing. I quickly let go of her hand and unbuttoned the jacket of my suit and took it off before gently placing it on her shoulders. 

She turned to me and gave me a thankful smile. "Thanks" 

I smiled before we continued our walk, I decided this time that I'd be the one to show initiative so I looked down at our hands and ignoring my pounding heart I grabbed her hand. I looked up to see if she wanted me to let go but she had a small smile on her face. I took this as a sign that it was okay and so I didn't let go as we continued to walk through the garden. 

A small part of me wanted to skip the party and just continue this nice walk with Percy but I knew Bruce would throw a fit if that happened. I internally groaned but decided instead to enjoy the time that I was spending with her now. 

We walked in silence as the wind occasionally would blow by us making Percy look like she was one of those super famous movie actresses. 

We walked for a while longer till we heard the music start to play from the inside of the building. 

I felt Percy stop so I did the same. "You ready to go in Tim?" She asked, by the time we had stopped it was dark out but the light from the inside seemed to make her eyes shine in the dark.

I paused to just admire her in this moment before nodding. "Yeah I think I'm ready." She smiled and squeezed my hand before we made our way to the building.


1320 words

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