Chapter 31: Roomies

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--------------------Tim's pov:------------------

"So let me get this straight. You thought it would be okay to invite a new hero WITHOUT consulting me?" Bruce had been yelling at me for the past thirty minutes. This is exactly why I left early. We were in the yj hall but we were in a private room. Bruce had taken off his mask, due to only what I can assume to be overheating.

"She can help! She's the only one here that has the experience to take those people down! We need to take that risk if it means not failing another mission!" I yelled back. Bruce just sat back down on the table, he was pinching the bridge of his nose, he did it so often I was surprised that there wasn't a permanent mark left there. 

"Then for the last time, tell me who she is!" He yelled back slamming his hand on the table. 

"And for the last time, I. Don't. know!" I watched as Bruce's already tense face only became more angry, his eyebrows somehow furrowing further. 

"She can't be allowed in the hall. I won't allow it."

"Well tough crap, she's our only solution and you're just upset because for the first time someones decided to stick up to you!" His eyes turned cold. 

"You will not speak to me that way. As far as I'm concerned you are still living under my roof and with my funds so what I say goes." I took a deep breath to stop me from yelling back at him. I'd heard from Jason that he'd use this argument often. This was part of the reason Jason got his own apartment for just in case. 

I started thinking of ways I could try to solve things when an idea popped into my head. I quickly pulled out my phone and opened Percy's contact. 

Hey, me and my dad are having a pretty huge argument. Would it be a problem if I packed a bit of stuff and camped out at your place till it blows over?

I waited a minute and almost immediately the little bubble popped up.

Percy -Sure, I get the whole parent thing. I'll have the place ready by the time you get here.

I smiled to myself before putting my serious face back on as I looked back up at Bruce. 

"Looks like I don't live with you anymore. Now I can talk to you however I see fit, at least by your argument." Bruce's eyes flashed with anger " This girl is the only way our team can possibly succeed, I mean did you not see Wally's wounds after that fight? The dude had two broken ribs from one kick! You have no concern for the well being of my team and I am fed up with it. I'd prefer to have you be upset with me then put MY team at risk." I stood up, quickly placing my mask back on. "Now if you'll excuse me. I have some packing to do." I quickly turned around leaving a still brooding Bruce behind me. As the door opened I heard the sound of fast footsteps and a slight breeze blow by. I quickly rubbed my forehead knowing in the near future that I was gonna have to answer the questions of the team. 

I marched out of the yj cave, and using the z-tubes I arrived at the batcave. I quickly made my way to my room grabbing a large duffle bag before filling it with the neccesities. 

After the bag was filled I made my way out of the manor, on the way out I passed Alfred who gave a confused yet sad look as he seemed to recognize what was happening. 

After a long walk I eventually made it to Percy's apartment. I made my way up the stairs and down the hall till I was in front of her place. I knocked on the door, not hearing anything but seeing a shadow appear underneath the door. I backed up just in time for the door to swing open, Percy's sad smile was what I noticed first. 

"You okay?" She asked, looking down at my stuff. I nodded as she let me in. "You can use my room, and don't try and be all 'Oh I couldn't' because I'm not allowing you to sleep on my couch for however long you stay here." She pat me on the back lightly as she took my stuff, walking me down the hall till we reached the last door. She opened it to reveal a average sized bedroom. Her curtains were blue with small fish covering the bottom. Her bed had big sheets that looked almost like smooth clouds. The rest of her room was very clean with the only decorations being a horn on the wall and some sea animal posters.

She set my stuff down on the nightstand before turning to me. She walked closer before setting a hand on my shoulder. "Stay as long as you like, the door's always open" She gave me a last reassuring smile as she left the room leaving me to get settled in. I sighed as I dug through my bag, setting my computer down on the table. I would get the wifi password later. For now I just needed to wait till tomorrow and then hold out against Bruce until one of us gives in. News flash: it's not gonna be me. 

I sighed before leaving the room. I found Percy sitting on the couch, buried in a massive blanket as she watched what was on the tv. I walked over and sat down besides her, making sure not to ruin her little fort. 

"Thanks again" I said, she turned and gave me another smile. 

"Of course, I have other friends who have had to stay with me when their home life wasn't too good so it's no biggie. Though I do have to go shopping cause I usually buy for one." She shrugs as she turns to the tv again. I nodded before I turned, allowing myself to also get consumed in the show. 


It was around 3 hours later and the sun was starting to go down. 

"Ughhhhh" I looked over to see Percy with her eyes shut as she looked at the ceiling. 

"what's wrong?" I asked. She looked over and her over exaggerated frown turned into a small smile. 

"It's nothing, I just really don't feel like going out shopping." 

"Well I'm gonna be honest, it might not even be a good idea to begin with. The night's when people tend to strike most." Percy nodded taking this into consideration. 

"Sooo take out?" She asks, an eyebrow raised. I felt a smile come to my face. 

"Fine, but only if it's big belly burger." She rolled her eyes before going on her phone. 

"Fine" She didn't seemed to have been opposed to begin with. After a while she handed me her phone for me to choose what I wanted. I quickly put everything in the cart before handing her the phone. 

"I'll pay for it by the way." She looked over at me with a 'are you serious' face. 

"Tim, I got it this time round okay? I promise it's no biggie." 

"but I gotta pay you back somehow. I mean you're not only housing me but you're also helping the-" 

She placed her finger in the air while making a 'shhhhhhh' noise. 

"I'm helping because I want to. I'm allowing you here because I'm okay with it. I'm offering to pay because I can. Now stop complaining and relax." She turned back to her phone, clicking the screen a couple times before setting it back down. 

"Are you sure there is nothing I can do?" I asked, I really didn't want it to seem like I was using her. 

She turned over to me with a small smile. "Tim." she paused before seeming to come to a decision. She quickly scooted over and opened up her blanket cacoon, she laid half the blanket over me so we were both buried in the blankets. "You can be quiet and watch this gods dam movie with me" She gives me another reassuring smile, lightly bumping into me before turning to watch the tv again. I watched her a second longer before deciding to comply and turning to watch the movie with her. 

A while later there was a knock at the door. 

"You know what, my favor is that you get the food cause I'm comfy"

"Ugh, you cruel being"


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