Chapter 56: That Fat Armed Gorilla

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------------------------Percy Pov:--------------------------------


"You know Tim's gonna kill you when he finds out you took me out here right?" I asked, looking over to Jason who was holding a screaming and kicking Damien underneath his arm. If Damien weren't violently pulling, pushing, and kicking at Jason his arms would be dangling like a little puppy. 

"Yeah but he'll also kill you if he knows you went along with it" Jason said with a smirk, turning to me with an evil grin. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You genius bastard" I mumbled which got a laugh out of Jason. 

I had been cooped up in my apartment all day, and Bruce had asked for Tim's assistance on something so I'd been stuck alone. Honestly it was pretty rough. That was until a lot of yelling and cursing came from outside my door where I happily found Jason and Damien. Damien also calmed down a bit when I opened the door, no longer screaming profanities and instead just screaming. 


"Chill little Dami, you're a priority package, we can't have you getting hurt" Jason talked as if he were talking to a five year old. Though his voice was exaggerated to make him sound like a chill surfer dude.  

"mE!? Percy is the one who just came out of a f*beepp* COMA!!!" Weird that a car just happened to beep. Damien flailed his arms at me wildly. Jason stopped and I stopped as well looking over at him confused. 

"Jason?" He turned to me with a malicious grin, though his turn was slow making him look like he was about to come and murder me in a cheesy teen flick. 

"Damien has a point." In a swift movement I had almost been nabbed as Jason tried to get me as well, though I managed to dodge. 

"hEy! I thought we were on the same side here!" I yelled as Jason tried again. 

"We wouldn't want you getting hurt now would we?" Jason asked with a giant grin. I wasn't able to dodge his latest grab as he managed to pull me underneath his other arm. 

"Oh come on Jason! I thought we were friends! Partners in crime!" 

"Life is about sacrifice my friend, and I'm afraid I must protect you by all means." I could hear how funny he thought this was based on his voice. I merely groaned in response. 

"ITS NOT SO FUNNY IS IT PERCY" Damien yelled from the other side. I could see him glaring at me from the other side. I just gave him a small smile in return. 

"Oh no, this is absolutely hilarious" I swear I saw Damien's eye twitch slightly. 

"You lie you damned witch" His voice was cold and angry but he did stop and I admit, his arms dangling down was actually really funny. He truly did look like an angry puppy. 

"The only thing that is a lie is how much you say you love me, because it is WAYYY more then you proclaim." I watched him get flustered as he went back to wildly flailing his arms in the air. 

"Really Percy? I was finally gaining feeling back in my arm again!" Jason complained, hoisting us up further. 

"It's not my fault that I'm just so lovable" I retorted, though this seemed to enrage Damien further as he started tweaking mad hard, almost moving and screaming so fast that he looked like a literal demon. I swear I burst out laughing just looking at him. Jason didn't seem to mind though as he continued walking down the street. People looked at us like we were crazy, which maybe they were but I wasn't , but they continued walking by. 

"So where are we going anyways?" I asked, looking up at Jason from my spot. 

"Oh, we're going bowling" He said in a cheery voice, a smile placed fondly on his face. 

"That doesn't sound like a good idea" I said, though a smile still found it's way onto my face. 

"Nope! But it does sound like a chaotic one!" Jason said back, the evil grin returning. 

I merely chuckled as we continued our way down the street.


"BEAT THAT TODD!" I yelled as I hit almost every pin but one. We'd been playing for a while and at some point in our game I was winning with Damien in a close second and Jason losing because his ball always end up in the gutter. Halfway through I had to grant Jason some pity by getting him kiddy railings to make sure the ball stayed in play, and yet he still managed to get it in the gutter occasionally. The only positive thing that came out of that was Damien laughing at how loud Jason would yell. I had to wave to the parents of the kids around us occasionally due to how bad it got.    

"That's not fair! The air conditioning stopped as soon as you started to line up!" He yelled back, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he pouted slightly. I merely smiled proudly as I sat besides him, grabbing my drink from the table as I brought it over to take a sip. 

We'd been here for a couple hours so the table in front of us was covered in different glasses, foods, and napkins. Honestly it was messy but a delicious mess nonetheless. 

"Right Todd, Percy obviously is just better then you" Damien added in with a snarky smile. 

Jason glared at Damien and Damien glared back, losing the smile he'd just had. "I'm your brother dude and I still get called Todd? But you just met Percy and she gets her actual name?!"

"Well unlike you, Percy is actually someone I respect so until you do something worthy of your first name Todd is the best you're gonna get." 

Jason let out a small huff as he angrily picked through the nachos. I chuckled looking at his sarcastically sad smile. 

Damien didn't stay for much longer as he went up for his turn. He picked out his bowling ball before walking up to where he was supposed to. With a quick pause he managed to throw the ball with a loud thud as it bounded towards the pins. I was a bit surprised to see all the pins go down as Damien turned back to us with an evil smirk. 

"I'm the superior brother!" He yelled out, hands in the air as if he were proclaiming this fact to a crowd. I smiled as I turned to look at Jason who was just glaring back, mumbling quietly to himself. 

I quickly leaned forwards from my sitting position, putting my hands up to have one facing each of them. 

"Look, I think we can all agree I am the superior-ist one here, so let's just calm down and all settle on the fact that I'm better then you both" This started an argument as they yelled at me about various things like my grammar, and the fact that I just wasn't better. Oddly enough, Damien wasn't yelling nearly as loud as I thought he would. Rather he was rebuking Jason's claims. 

I smiled to myself as I sipped on my milk shake, watching everything unfold. Honestly it just felt nice to be back outside of my stuffy apartment. Luckily everyone was coming over tomorrow as well.

I honestly wasn't too surprised when a security guard came over, telling us we had to leave due to being a disturbance. Though I couldn't stop the snort that escaped me when Damien glared at the guard and he visibly flinched. The snort only seemed to add to the mood as Jason pointed at me and started bursting out into laughter, I couldn't help but join in as he looked stupid when he laughed. 

I was laughing so hard that I had to use Jason as support as we both laughed like hyenas till we got outside. Though I could barely see anything coming as I had tears in my eyes. I'm not sure why but everything just seemed to be ten times funnier, from Jason's laughter to Damien's disappointed looks. It may just be the 4 milkshakes I'd had though. 

Together we all walked back to my apartment, with me and Jason laughing at anything that seemed to cross our paths and Damien looking like he just wanted to disappear. 

All in all I'd say this day was a lot better then just sticking around inside.


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