Chapter 8

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We arrived at the office as Sevika busted down the door.

-"What the hell were you thinking?! You jinxed everything again!" She yelled at Jinx.

Jinx caressed my shoulders and placed herself behind me.

-"That's quite rude don't ya think?" I asked looking back at her as I pushed a glass of booze towards her.

She looked down at the glass and took it like a shot.

-"Jinx, darling, why don't you go get some air for a minute? I'd prefer if she wouldn't just insult you for no reason."

She nodded but as she passed Sevika, she made all kinds of angry and crazy faces. As the door closed, Sevika's blade stopped right in front of my throat.

-"Why?" She asked.

I looked up at her innocently.

-"Why what?" I asked with a smile.

-"Don't take me for an idiot." She said as she sat down on the couch and took out a cigar.
"I know you did it on purpose... You could've easily killed the guards and yet they magically could restrain you and take you to prison...
You knew Jinx would jump on the opportunity to save you and that she'd cause a mess at the same time... But why?"

I threw her a lighter as I chuckled.

-"Oh no ... Looks like I've been found out." I said dramatically with a smile before drinking a sip out of my water.
-"I just wanted to ... Verify ... Some things...Like what kind of bad guys were in there... I maybe could've recruited someone but no one caught my eye. I also discovered her sister had been imprisoned there for years. I will admit that i had not planned on getting stabbed but Jinx saved the day."

Sevika's eyes suddenly widened.

-"Oh you sick fuck." She said as she began laughing. "You wanted to observe her against her sister didn't you... "

-"Hm ... Well to be honest, it goes a little ... Beyond that. I just left crumbs for the birds to take... I payed attention that i got arrested in front of your snitch so that he could tell you..." I said as I tilted my head a bit. 
"Then left a bit of blood at home to make jinx come to" i pointed my fingergun at her.
-"And you set fire to the Powder... Bam" i said as if i had shot her.

Her face decomposed itself.

-"You based yourself on pure luck ...?" She chuckled once again as she shook her head. "Jinx may be crazy but you're maybe even worse... I'll admit that I'm impressed by your calculations though."

She puffed out the smoke as she put out her cigar.

-"So was her blasting up the prison part of the plan?"

-" Not really ... But I'm not mad at it. Though i did not think her sister would be there with the Enforcers... Even i felt betrayed and i don't even know her personally. Anyways, time's up Sevika. From now on, things are gonna change around here..." I said standing up and stopping in front of her.

She bowed her head as I patted her shoulder.

-"Good, good. Have a nice day."

I walked out to find jinx laying on the bar clearly bored but when she saw me, her eyes lit up.

-"Achlys!" She said as she jumped in my arms.

I twirled her around for a bit before putting her down.

-"Wanna get away from these losers?" I whispered.

She looked at me with a big smile.

-"Fun time ...?" She asked curiously.

I took her hand and ran out with her. We entered a tattoo shop.

-"Ey Rai! Get your ass here!" I screamed in the empty shop.

-"Achlys! My man! How you been? I heard you got back in business?" He said as he hugged me.

-"yeah I did anyways. I present to you Jinx." I said putting my arm around her shoulders.

-"Is she your girl?" He asked.

Jinx and i both looked at each other in silence as a smirk appeared on my face.

-"Something like that, Yeah."

-"Damn, you pulled Silco's favourite?! I'm proud of you man! She looks like a good fuck."

The smile i had wiped itself off of my face as I looked back up at him. I chuckled as I grabbed him by his collar and pinned him against the wall.

-"Say it again ... I dare you."

He hit my arm to signal he couldn't breathe.


Her voice brought me back to reality. I decided to let him go.

-"I'm sorry man, i ... I didn't know you were serious about her. I'm sorry dude."

I sighed and rubbed my temples.

-"Can you just shut up for two seconds and treat us like clients for God's sake?"

-"Oh uh ... Yeah! What can I do for ya?" He asked.

-" Let her tattoo me." I said putting down a bag of money in front of him.

-"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Said Jinx really excited as she followed me to the back.

-"Sure, i promised a fun time didn't i?" I said before removing my shirt.
-"My body's all yours Sweet Cheeks." I whispered in before kissing her forehead.

She looked stunned for a moment. Frozen in time with a prominent blush on her face when a smirk appeared on her face.

-"Alright Hotstuff... Let's see how long you can resist~"

She put on gloves and took the tattooing machine in her hand.

-"You're not gonna make a stencil-"

I was cut off by her pushing me down on the chair. She suddenly slipped her fingers in the left underside of my bra and started raising it.

-"Whoa, if you want me to get naked in here just say that" i said chuckling as she stopped midway on looked up at me.

-"I wouldn't mind~"

I froze at the audacity when I suddenly heard the tattoo machine being turned on. Before I knew it she was tattooing my ribs.

-"FUCK!" I screamed out of surprise.

I suddenly heard her giggling as if this was amusing to her.

After a while, she wiped it down and i checked it out in the mirror.

-"Why am i not surprised." I Said with a smile as I looked down at a smiley with X's as eyes. She luckily didn't try to draw a circle around it.

-"You like it?"

-"Heck yeah." I said turning around to find her holding out the tattoo machine towards me. I took it from her hands when she suddenly crossed her arms .

-"So, you chose where you're gonna put it?" She asked.

-"You want me to tattoo you too?" I asked with a slight smile.

She nodded as I changed the needle and gloves.

-"Okay then ... let's do it ... There."

I slowly unbuttoned her pants and lowered them with her panties just a little to free up the lower right side of her abdomen.

-"Hold on tight sweet cheeks."

I started tattooing her and she was clearly in pain but that didn't stop her from smiling at me when we made eye contact.

We both looked at each other in the mirror with our new matching tattoos.

-"You look pretty happy." I said looking at her.

-"That's cause I am. I feel understood when in with you..."

We stared at each other when we both started leaning in.

Achlys : Arcane fanfiction {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now