Chapter 23

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I turned around to find Achlys standing behind me.

At any moment, she could push me off and end my life but i wasn't scared of her.

I stood up and faced her.

"Achlys..." I whispered.

She smirked at me.

"Sweet Cheeks..." She responded.

"What are you doing here?" I asked closing my fist, scared of her response.

She looked down at my fist before coming back up to me.

"Don't worry, the great battle hasn't arrived yet."

I looked at her confused as my body relaxed.

"What do you mean? You said..."

She raised her hand to stop me.

"I know what i said. This isn't a visit as your enemy. This is my last visit as your lover."


"One of us is going to die in the end. I want closure before that happens. One last time, allow me to be your lover." She said walking towards me.

Her hands caressing my body just like she used to, she gently hugged me before whispering.

"Can I steal a kiss from you..."

I looked at her surprised before going in for a kiss myself. She immediately responded with her passion in her kiss. Melting into this kiss i have been longing for for so long, my arms wrapped around her.

She gently laid me down as she had me completely under her charm. As My hands were running along her muscles and back while she kissed me, a necklace suddenly fell out of her shirt and was now dangling over my face.

My eyes widened at the ring who was on the necklace.

My ring ...

"You still ... Have it..." I whispered in shock as i thought she had gotten rid of it.

Achlys's expression quickly changed as she stood up, backing away from me. She sighed looking at the ring before tucking it back in her shirt.

"Of course i do. I would be unable to throw this away even if i wanted to."

We looked at each other in silence... Sadness filled the air as she took out a blade and took my hand with hers. Seconds later, she closed my fingers around the knife. I looked back at her confused.

"This knife should be able to kill me. Use it wisely." She whispered with her hands still around mine.

"Why are you doing this...?"

"Because i need to."


"If we need to kill eachother, then why are you here loving me so dearly like you once did..."

Achlys looked at me silently, when she suddenly chuckled, pushing her hair out of her face.

"Its always been you... It always will... But two wrongs don't make a right."

"Achlys. We don't need to to this."

She looked down in a saddened. Suddenly i felt a gentle kiss on my forehead. Time freezing as she gently kissed me goodbye.

"I hope you'll understand and forgive me one day... I love you darling..." She whispered.

"Achlys!- ..."

In a blink of an eye, she had disappeared leaving a flower on the ground.

I picked up the orange Lily and looked down at the knife before looking back at the horizon.

How did we get here... When I used to know you so well...

Achlys : Arcane fanfiction {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now