Chapter 15

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I crouched down to find a cubic rune stone left by him.  I chuckled and put it in my pocket.

Turning around, i observed the extensive flower field circling me.

What a beautiful place ... I missed it.



Viktor and i went to Noxus for trading reasons today.

"Ah Jinx and Viktor! My favourite clients!" Said Roxa, The leader of The Medarda Clan.

"Roxa, good morning." Said Viktor.

"How was the road Jinx?" She asked me.

"Oh you know, you'd think Viktor wouldn't be sea sick anymore after all the times we've done the route but nope. He puked all over the deck!"

Viktor looked at me offended.

"How dare you tell her that..." He whispered.

Roxa patted Viktor's back as comfort while laughing.

"Come on guys, i have everything ready for you over there. If there's a problem, you know where to find me."

We both nodded.

"Viktor why do I always need to come with you?"

"I don't want you blowing up our base." He said inspecting the cargo.

I pouted.

"You're mean."

"I'm not mean, you just can't use your bombs like you want."

"See! You're mean! Achlys let me do that!" I said before freezing in realization of my statement.

Viktor looked back at me with a saddened look.

"Jinx -"


Both our heads turned towards the screams when we were suddenly in a city of flames. Everything happened to fast, bodies dropping faster than i could imagine.


I nodded as we began running through bodies and flames.

How... Two seconds ago, everything was normal? I didn't even see the attackers...

We helped people on our way to try to save them from burning houses. Many were terrified and completely in shock. People crying in the streets ...

I clenched my fists and bust down the doors to Roxa's personal quarters to find guards dead on the ground already.

How? No way! I would've seen them pass ?!

Viktor looked as surprised as me at the sight of bodies that far from the original attack point.

"We need to hurry!" He yelled out.

I sprinted as fast as i could Down that hallway when I saw a person planting an axe in Roxa's chest.

"NO! ROXA!" I screamed out in horror as i was a few seconds late.

The person turned around as Roxa's body fell to the ground. My eyes widening in shock at her bloodied sight.


Achlys : Arcane fanfiction {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now