Chapter 8

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Such intense presence ... Her energy is overwhelming.

I observed her face.

That smirk... Not a single ounce of fear...

"Go on then... Try to convince me to spare your life... Not you Kiramman." She said cutting me off as i wanted to speak.

She looked back at me.

"You have disrespected a friend of mine. Your fate is already sealed, so brace yourself. Anyways, the side characters... Are y'all of any use or can I just kill you all?" She asked the others.

We all stood our ground when Torhan suddenly fell on his knees before her.

"Please spare me! I beg of you! I do not want to die!" He begged while sobbing.


Torhan looked at me yelling back.

"What's the point of honor if i die!"

My eyes widened at his statement. Her chuckle brought me back towards her.

"Kiss my boot and I'll consider it."

Torhan without any hesitation kissed my boots looking back at me expectedly.

"Good boy..." She whispered grabbing his face before letting go.

She started playing with a ring.

"And what's your name little leech...?" She asked Torhan.

"Torhan Medarda, Descendant of Noxus clan."


My eyes slightly widened at his name.



"What's your name kiddo?" I asked looking at her eating the ice cream i bought her while she was busy watching the horizon.

" Vala." She said smiling at me.


"I am actually from Piltover ... And descendant of The council... My ancestors were Called Jayce and Mel..."


"Mel Medarda... Head of council she's the one who's manipulating Jayce like an idiot." Said Viktor.

End of flashback:

This is Vala's brother ...?

Her face flashed on his as they looked alike.

I snapped out of it as this was not the time.


"Fine, bring me to Noxus, help me overthrow your people and I'll let you live." I said looking down at him.

"Anything for you My Lady."

I smiled as i looked back up at the three others.

"See, i can be quite nice if you don't rub me the wrong way. I like people who are submissive and tame... It is not to late for the rest of you. Join me and live."

"Torhan! You traitor!" Said the Kiramman. 

She looked back at me holding her weapon. I looked down at her hand on it and back at her very unimpressed.

"Aw, darling. You're going to be disappointed if you think a little blade is enough to kill me..."

"SHUT UP!" She screamed out in anger.

"My my, you didn't inherit Caitlyn's good genes like her calmness, now did you... How disappointing."

I chuckled as her leader facade was slowly crumbling into pieces, her emotions taking over.

"Kiramman. Give me your name."

"Amelia, why do you want to know."

"Oh you know, just a habit. I've always kept notes on my victims." I said looking back ta her smirking as fear invaded her expression.

Achlys : Arcane fanfiction {Finished}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя