Chapter 16

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Two days later:

-"Jinx... She's awake."

I looked up from my desk and sprinted towards the Laboratory. I opened both doors to find Her sitting on her bed, looking out the window. I smiled nervously and yet happy that she was okay.

-"Jinx ..." She said softly.

-"Yes! Yes... It's me. I'm here." I said running up to her bed.

My smile faded as she turned her head towards me. I dropped my drawing as I saw her with a bandage around her eyes. I sat down on the bed next to her as she searched for my face. I gently took her hand and guided it to my face.

-"I missed you..." She whispered tracing my face with her fingers.

Her other hand removed the bandage revealing her milky eyes. My hand instinctively went for her face when a gentle smile appeared on her face.

-"Don't be sad... I wanted this. I'm lucky to only be blind... It could've been worse. " She said snuggling against my hand.

I looked at her with a saddened expression.


Vi and Viktor walked in the laboratory. They took a peak into the room while not trying to disturb.
Vi looked absolutely horrified when she saw her sister and Achlys caressing eachother so lovingly. Viktor gently placed his hand on her shoulder leading her outside.

-"This is my fault... If i had been here then maybe-"

-"You wouldn't have changed anything." He said cutting her off.

She looked back at him surprised.

-"From what I have heard, this was her plan all along. Forming treaties behind everyone's back and offering herself instead of her loved ones to give them a chance at a better life..."

VI looked back at the door.

-"Did she lose her vision...?" she asked softly.

-"For now, it looks like it. Like i said, we don't know the limits of the Shimmer... She could potentially regain it but ..."

-"Maybe she won't." She completed as Viktor nodded in agreement.

Vi snuck back inside to find Jinx cuddling with Achlys in her bed. She smiled before walking out again.

-"Caitlyn..." She whispered as she looked up to the ceiling.


The past few days had been calm. Piltover was probably trying to fix their city before acting again and Unfortunately, Achlys's vision had not improved. Her other senses though had been heightened by the big intake of Shimmer. Vi had suggested that we find a way for Achlys to defend herself because the rumor that she lost her sight will soon fly through the Undercity.

I held her hand as we walked out of the room.

-"I'm going out to help her get used to this a bit more." I said as a waved goodbye to Vi and Viktor.

She followed me as she suddenly let go of my hand. I looked back at her confused.

-"Try walking normally." She asked.

-"But, it's dangero-"

-"Jinx, don't underestimate me. I've lived my whole life down here... I'm pretty sure I'll be fine."She said cutting me off and looking in my direction.

I started walking backwards to keep an eye on her but she was doing pretty good. She suddenly tripped. Instinctively, i went for her but she held her hand out as if to stop me. I watched her getting back up and taking a deep breath before walking past me.
As we arrived in the more crowded area, she closed her eyes.

How is she walking so confidently when she doesn't see her surroundings anymore...?

She suddenly took an alley. I followed her silently as I finally realized where she was trying to go. I coughed as she missed the second alley. She stopped and looked over her shoulder. She extended her hand out to find me and when she did, she opened the door right next to me.

-"Great, you were doing pretty good... But how were you so confident when you were walking." I said with a chuckle as we got up the stairs.

She answered coldly.


She caressed the wall as she continued.

-"You and i are Zaun's future. Their hope. We need to be confident... And when I don't feel like it, I pretend." She said looking back in my direction as we had made it to the top.

-"Fake it till' you make it huh?" I said laughing.

-"Exactly." She answered seriously.

My smile disappeared as I walked over to her.

-"I won't be able to fight like this." She whispered as she took my hands in hers.

-"That's okay! Silco never fought either!"

-"Jinx... I'm not Silco, i need to fight too."

Her hand entered her pocket to reveal multiple Shimmer bottles. I looked back up at her as she gave me a needle.

-" this?"

-"Viktor refused to inject Shimmer in my eyes when I asked him. He said it was too dangerous but i need to try everything to get my vision back." She said in a sad tone.

-"What's the danger...?" I asked.

-"That I'll lose my humanity... become something more than human but this is my last chance to regain a little of my sight."

She caressed my face.

-"Jinx, please, you're the only one I have left who i can ask this too."

I sat down next to her looking down at the syringe.

-"... You brought me here so i could kill you if it went wrong... right?" I said looking back at her.

She nodded.

-"No. I refuse, Viktor was right, the risk is too great."

-"Jinx, I'm not asking. I'm giving you a choice. Do it or I'll do it myself. The only reason i asked you was because i trust you would honour me by killing me if i ever lost control but if you refuse, I'll just do it by myself."

I slapped her with all my might and pinned her to the ground holding my fist up. I looked down at her pleased expression.

-"Go ahead Darling. This might be the last time you'll be able to hit me."

I looked at her filled with rage but unable to hit her, i dropped my forehead on her chest.

-"Why do you keep talking to me as if it was the last time...?" I asked holding back tears.

I felt her arms wrapping themselves around me.

-"I'm sorry for making you cry..." she whispered as she kissed my head.

I looked up at her. She smiled at me so tenderly... I sighed as i looked down at the syringe.

-"Fine... I'll do it... but you need to promise you won't abandon me. Fight back."

She chuckled before kissing my forehead.

-"Anything for you, Blueberry."

I sat on her lap as i aimed for her Iris.


Achlys : Arcane fanfiction {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now