Chapter 33

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"Anyways, what is this place?" I asked looking around the empty white rooms.


"Nothingness... You broke out of the threads of fate. There's nothing beyond for you but this white room." He responded watching the human.

I walked around a bit.

"Hm... Kinda empty but with a bit of decorations i can make it work..."

A hand suddenly grabbed onto my shoulder making me freeze.

"Why are you still fighting?"


Why am I still fighting ...?

"I can feel you holding onto your earthly flesh ... Why is that if you longed for death for so long?"  He continued.

I stayed silent before looking back at him.

"As long as I'm alive, my blood will mix into her wounds and will keep her alive."

He looked at me confused.

"Why fight for someone who's hurt you so much?"

"Ah what can I say man... She has me hooked. Love is a weird thing but I'll always do anything for her."



"Achlys... Please...!" I cried out still clinging to her corpse when time suddenly stopped.


"How curious..."

I looked to my left to find a faceless man watching us. His gaze fell onto the runic stone i had in hand.

"Could it be...? Hm, i see." He said in a calm and monotone voice.

I was almost unable to speak because of how weak i was so i watched him in silence.

"Jinx, would you like to know Achlys's motives... Behind... All this?"

I watched him unsure when he extended his hand towards me.

My eyes Widened when everything disappeared around me including Achlys and my wound.

I woke up in a gasp, in the flower field. Looking down at my stomach my wound was completely gone.


My eyes widened to find her getting off of her board.

"ACHLYS!" I screamed as i ran towards her but when trying to hug her, i passed through her.

"It's her memory." Said the man behind me.

"Memory...? From when ...?" I asked.

"342 years ago."

I turned around to see her again...
I watched her eyes Widen as a butterfly suddenly landed on her nose.

She looks so beautiful...


"Hey wait!" She said following it as it flew away.


She finally stopped running as The butterfly finally stopped flying and landed on a stone.

"What is this... " She asked herslef taking it in her hands.

The stone suddenly lit up and runes started flying in the air as she fell backwards.

"Hm, how interesting." Said a calm voice.


"Is that you?" I asked the man, he nodded in silence.


"What are you?!" asked Achlys panicked.

"I return the question mutant."

"I know because i can see the Shimmer running through your veins child." He suddenly responded.

"Read my mind?" He completed.


"Looks like you've finally arrived Electa." He said.

"What the hell is Electa... And what the hell are you?!"

"My apologies, i am a mage, you can call me Magnus.

She looked at him as i walked up to Achlys.

"A mage? I thought those were legends." She said wiping off the dirt off of her pants. "And why are you calling me Electa again?"

"Electa means chosen one."


"I have a prophecy for you. A person will arrive in your city... Their arrival wil cause the destruction of this world and all its citizens. Kill them and peace will come back... Let them live and watch every single one of your kind perish."

A prophecy?

Achlys : Arcane fanfiction {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now