Chapter 19

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I looked up at the stars while floating on my board.

Images of Jinx noticing i wasn't wearing my ring flooded my brain once again against my will.

I sighed and took out my necklace with my ring on it that i had hidden under my shirt, watching the moonlight reflect on it.

You really thought I could throw that ring away...

I sat up chuckling.

"She doesn't get it does she... My only weakness, It's always been you. The only one who could stop my madness from ruining this world... It's you... It's always been you. That's why you need to Kill me and save this world... Make everyone forget you're a villain and Become the hero i couldn't be." I whispered putting my necklace under my shirt once again before jumping off my board.

I sat down on Ekko's tree and looked down at my board.

I caressed the old graffiti with a little smile on my face.

Ekklys ...


-10 years old-

I watched two children flying on boards, my eyes widened curious and amazed by it.

"Wanna try?" Said a voice behind me.

I turned around to find Ekko.


"Aw come on! I saw you!"

"Don't know what you're talking about." I said crossing my arms and looking away.

He threw the floating board in front of him.

"You scared or something?"

I turned around in a flash.

"I'm not scared!"

"Oh yeah? Then get on it." He said pushing his board towards me.

I looked down at the board unsure as this was very unstable. I gulped before putting a foot on it. My foot slipped but i didn't fall as Ekko had already grabbed onto me.

"I won't let go. Come on try again." He said with a smile.

I looked at his hands in mine before coming back to his face.

This look in his eyes ... He looks so excited to teach me...

"Are you okay?"

His voice suddenly brought me back out of my thoughts and into reality.

"Uh ... Yeah. Sorry."

"It's okay. Come on I'll walk next to you..."


This little man taught me how to ride his board. I'll admit, He was a very good teacher.


"Achlys WATCH OUT!"

My eyes widened at the flying bird coming straight for me. I bumped into Ekko with my board trying to avoid it. We both looked at eachother as we had fallen into the tree branches, our hair filled with junk.


We both bursted out laughing at the hilarious situation.

End of flashback:

I looked back up in front of me with a smile that quickly saddened itself as i was faced by empty branches...

Right... I forgot again...

Those were the old good times...

Achlys : Arcane fanfiction {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now