Chapter 29

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My eyes widened as she walked towards me menacingly.

"Where's the blade i gave you?" She asked walking towards me like a predator stalking it's prey.

"I Told you, i refuse to kill you."

She chuckled at me when a scream echoed through the city.


My eyes darted towards the boy who asked me out with a shotgun pointing at Achlys.

"STOP!" I screamed at him but before i knew it, i had shot him and the person behind him.

I looked back at Achlys who was looking impressed at the bodies of the men.

"Damn... Double homicide." She said in a sarcastic tone.


Is she serious? How can she joke in this situation...?

Her expression suddenly changed as the body of the man dropped and an alcohol flask fell out of his pocket.


My eyes widened as Achlys took me in the arms right before the explosion. We were propulsed in the air, so far away from land that only sea was surrounding us. Her body shielded mine as her skin burned.

"ARGH FUCK IT!" Screamed Achlys as a white flash surrounded us.

We fell apart and suddenly crashed into land. I rolled onto the ground at the impact. Slowly opening my eyes, i found flowers surrounding me.

What the...

How did we reach land...?

I looked up at the stars facing me... They were lighting up this beautiful night when I suddenly heard Achlys groaning out of pain.

My eyes shot wide open in realization of how bad her wounds were. I sat up and looked back at her on the ground struggling to get up, her back completely burned.

Oh god...


Running up and stumbling towards her, i fell on my knees in front of her when she suddenly kicked me back.

"DONT TOUCH ME!" She screamed out.

I instinctively did a backwards roll to look back up at her. Her eyes looked back at me with rage.

"Don't pity me..." She said stumbling back up and putting her fists weakly back up. "Fight me instead." She continued.

"Achlys... Why are you doing this for fuck's sake?!" I yelled at her.

"One if us needs to die-"

"THEN WHY DID YOU SAVE ME AGAIN?!" I screamed, lashing out at her.

I panted heavily as her eyes widened slightly, her fists dropped slowly before looking away from me.

I continued...

"If someone needs to die tonight ... And you hate me as much as you say ... Then why did you save me ..."

Achlys : Arcane fanfiction {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now