Chapter 29

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My eyes widened as i felt arms around me right before the impact. The impact was rough and we rolled onto the floor.

I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in Achlys's arms.

The screams around me completely muffled out once again as i watched unconscious Achlys holding onto me.

She shielded me... With her body?

Her eyes slowly fluttered open as we made eye contact. She silently let go of me, permitting me to sit up besides her.

She tried standing up but her body filled with cuts was too weak to do so. She decided to sit up but winced in pain as doing so. My eyes Widened as i saw a debris had perforated her abdomen.


There's so much blood...

...Why is she not healing...

I tried to touch her but she caught my hand. I looked back up at her surprised as she tore a piece of her shirt and wrapped it around my small cut i had on my arm.

Her eyes darted towards the sound of the explosion before coming back to me.

"You need to go..." She whispered to me letting go of me arm.

"No ..."

My eyebrows furrowed.

"These buildings are going to collapse... You need to go ... Before it's too late."

"No... I can't leave you." I said looking back at her tears welling up in my eyes.

Her hand softly brought themselves to my face as she wiped away my tears. Her fingers left blood on my face but i couldn't care less.

"Achlys... Please get up." I Said trying to help her up but it was no use, she was too weak.

She pushed me away but i came back to her.

"I'm going to get you out of here." I said holding her face before trying to pick her up.

She was so heavy and the blood made her slippery and difficult to hold onto.

"Jinx... Let me go..." She whispered in pain.

"NO! ITS GOING TO BE OKAY!" I yelled at her while trying to hold her up.

She once again pushed me away and made me fall backwards. Her eyes widened as the building was starting to crack next to us.

"GO! YOU'RE JUST A TRAITOR! GO AWAY! I DONT EVER WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN!" She screamed at me looking back at me as she was laying on the ground.

I ran back towards her and held onto her.


My eyes Widened as Achlys began crying in front of me.

"Please... I'm begging you... Go... Please save yourself... Please..." She said sobbing as her head dropped onto my shoulder in a desperate tone.

"... I won't leave you alone... I'll stay by your side until the end." I said wiping her tears away.

She looked at me desperate.

"Jinx... Why ...?"

Her tears still streaming down along my fingers, i smiled at her.

"... Forever and always right...?" I said slightly chuckling as tears streamed down my face too.

Achlys : Arcane fanfiction {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now