Episode 20: Ghostfreaked Out

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Quick A/N: WOOO, posting this beautiful garbage early! Happy Holidays ❄️

Don't expect this to end like how the actual episode ended.

Y'all gonna hate me for this one....

Oh well, I regret nothing.


6 days.

That's whole long it's been since I've hear from Other Me.

It's also how long I've worn the ring Ben gave me. Oddly enough, it was a perfect fit...Ben put a lot of thought into it. I glance at Ben as he snores quietly, I only smile at him "Not bad, Benji...not bad..." I mumble happily.

~Meanwhile in Ben's Dream~

"Benji, you're the best boyfriend ever!"

Ben smiles proudly as Y/N hugs him close "Well..why don't you kiss me to prove it~" He hums cockily. Y/N rolls her eyes and starts to move in close, Ben grins with red cheeks-

"Help! I can't get down!"

Y/N and Ben run up towards a tree. Gwen was already there "Don't worry! We'll come up and get you!" Gwen calls "We?" Ben and Y/N ask with confused glances. Gwen huffs "Hey, you guys are the ones with alien powers." She states, crossing her arms "I'll get him." Y/N says. She teleports onto the tree and reaches out for the boy with ease.

"I love her so much..." Ben hums, staring at Y/N happily. Gwen rolls her eyes, Ben pauses and frowns when Y/N freezes "You ok, N/N?!" He calls, Y/N doesn't respond "Maybe Other Y/N's messing with her head..." Gwen whispers "No...Other Y/N's been gone for like a week." Ben says.

Ben dials up the watch "I'm gonna go help her." He says before turning into Wildmutt "Oh good thinking! Turn into the vicious alien attack dog to rescue the scared kid out of the tree. This is why Y/N is the brains! She's too smart for you." Gwen says, crossing her arms. Ben looks back at her and grunts. He goes back to climbing, Y/N remains frozen. Her hand barely touching the kid.

Ben nudges her gently, but Y/N remains unresponsive. Ben whimpers before walking towards the kid. The kid's eyes widen at the sight of Ben, he clings onto the tree branch tighter "It's ok," Ben states "I'm here to help get you down." "I don't want to get down....I WANT OUT!" The kid screams. His voice was mixed with a male and female's.

Ben yelps, he pulls Y/N away from the kid as the tree morphs into Ghostfreak and the kid morphs into Other Y/N "Leave us alone!" Ben shouts. Ben gasps when Y/N is pulled away from him, Other Y/N grins widely and digs her fingers into Y/N's forehead. Ghostfreak wraps his hand around Ben.

"You can't get away from us. Always the hero. What a waste of potential."
"You really want to be helpful, Benji? GET US OUT!"

Ben turns to Y/N, Other Y/N slides the ring off her finger, causing Y/N to melt away into a black goo. "NOOOO!" Ben screams.

~Back to Y/N~


I snap out my thoughts when Ben falls out his bunk. "Holy-Benji, are you ok?" I ask, shutting Dad's notebook. He turns and lets out a tired sigh "Y-yeah...I'm fine. Just a weird dream." He says. Ben stands up and starts to climb back into his bunk-he pauses "Um, N/N..." He mumbles "Come on." I snort. Ben climbs down and hops into my bunk.

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