Episode 31: Be Afraid of the Dark

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A/N: Anyone want to explain why my finals week is 4 week long?! There's like 3 different types of tests, I'm gonna kill a character off!(no I'm not, but still...*unholy screeching*)

My eyes snap open when something slaps me across the face. I jolt up, Other Me flinches. I growl at her. "Are you an idiot? Do you not know what is means when you're not wanted?!" I scream at her. She only stares at me tiredly "I'm not here by choice. I'm barely even here...Ghostfreak only brought me back so he could come back through you and so I'd keep you away from Ben..." She tells me quietly. My eyes widen, I look around for Ben.

"Don't bother. There's no escaping from here."

I glare at Other Me "And where is here?" I ask, looking around at the faded grey area "The Unknown Zone. It's unknown how you got here, it's unknown how you'll get out, and it's unknown what's going on outside the zone." Other Me states. "Well, how'd you get out of here?" I ask, crossing my arms "It's UNKNOWN! Geez how dumb are you." Other Me scoffs quietly. "I thought you wanted to live." I growl, clenching my fist.

Other Me rolls her eyes "You don't have powers here, ya dodo. That's why we're stuck." She mumbles, I look at her up and down "If I don't have powers, how are you here?" I ask "Because Ghostfreak made me my own existence. I'm no longer dependent on you...now I'm dependent on him..." Other Me sighs, looking down sadly. I roll my eyes "Whatever, I need to get out of here fast." I scoff, walking away from her "Did you not understand what I said, there's no where to go. Any new place would be the exact same as your last place." Other Me sighs. She takes a seat on the ground, "Get comfy." She says. I study her quietly, "Why are you here?" I ask.

"I told you-"
"You told me how you're here, not why. If this place is so awful, why are you stuck here with me and not with Ghostfreak?"
"I'm not apart of his perfect ending. There's no need to keep me around."

Other Me takes a deep breath and sighs again, "Coming back was awful and took a lot out of me...I didn't even bother arguing with him when he said I was gonna be sent here too. Like I said, you're stuck here. I've tried to escape 100s of times last time I was here, I've gone left and right and even in circles. We're f*cked." She tells me. I hum in thought, looking down at her "You ever try going down? I mean, this looks exactly like sand." I say.

I bend down on my knees and pick up a little of the sand. I hiss out in pain, dropping it immediately "Yeah...that's not sand. I don't know what that is, but whatever it is, it feels like little pieces of glass. Fortunately-for me, I'm basically a zombie, so glass can't hurt me." She says proudly "How lucky for you." I groan "I know~" She snorts weakly. I frown at the ground before taking a deep breath "I'm not leaving Benji to deal with all this on his own. Not again." I mumble seriously "And what are you gonna-the f*ck..." Other Me looks at me in shock as I start digging through the shards of glass. I ignore the stinging sensation in my hands, I just gotta keep going. This will heal anyway....

~Author's POV~

Ben breathes heavily, running as fast as he could. He looks down at his hands in confusion as 100s of tiny little scars start to appear on his hands. Ghostfreak appears in front of Ben, Ben screams, turning on his heels to run in the other direction. He runs onto a bridge

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