Chapter 1

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A/N - I hate having to do this, but since NovelHD has already started to pirate some of my books, here we go. These works are mine. My poor little brain came up with the plots and characters, and I'd really prefer you to not steal them. If you're reading this on a site that is NOT Wattpad then it is most certainly stolen.




It was my first day of my senior year in high school, and my heart was pounding. I had just moved from one side of the city to the other, so I was off to a new school, which you would think would terrify me. But instead, I was excited beyond belief. Okay, so there was a little part of me that was nervous, that was normal, right? But the rest of me was thrilled that mom had been able to get a job at the police station over here.

               Because here is where Sam Bishop went to high school.

               I've spent time with Sam on three occasions and seen her on a fourth. Yeah, I know, that doesn't seem like a lot, but I could tell each time that there was a connection there. It also didn't hurt that every time we actually talked, we also had quick kisses on the cheek. Alright, maybe I'm a little obsessed with her, but I can't help it! You haven't seen this girl.

               She has bright blonde hair, unlike my dirty blonde, and beautiful brown eyes that make you want to wrap her up in your arms, hold her tight, and never let her go. She has a good five inches on me too, or she did the last time I stood next to her, maybe she's grown, and her body has to be toned from what I could see around the soccer uniform. I'm no slouch either, but she is taller and more athletic, where I'm more of a fire plug with enough muscle to take down a basketball player.

               True story, that asshole shouldn't have been trying to grope my friend Mary!

               The first time I met Sam was 4 years ago at the finals for the county spelling bee. The next year we were played against each other in soccer. We're both good players since we were playing varsity as freshmen. The next year I played against her again. We're both midfielders, so we end up near one another for a lot of the game, and there was a lot of friendly bumps and smirks throughout the games. Last year I had a high ankle sprain, so I couldn't play at the game, but I saw her running all over the field from the sidelines. I tried to get across the field to congratulate her after they beat us, but I couldn't get to her fast enough on my crutches, and she was literally dragged away by a pair of blondes.

               I guess I can't be surprised, she's gorgeous. I'd drag her away too if I could. Wait, no, she doesn't deserve to be dragged. More like I'd carry her respectfully away. Hopefully while she had her face buried in my neck and giving me kisses. Wait! Stop! Let's get to my first period at school before we get carried away with the daydreams.

               I had to make this new school work out. My mom Wendy busted her ass to get us to a better side of town at her new police station. I was hoping between grades, SAT scores and soccer, I could get some good scholarships to a decent school. I didn't need my mom blowing food money on my schooling, so I had a weekend job as a cashier at the local supermarket too. It wasn't much, but it paid for the gas money, and I had a few thousand in the bank for college.

As a single mom, Wendy had a hard time when I was younger. She and my dad had been high school sweethearts, or more to the point elementary school sweethearts. Growing up next door to each other and dating starting in middle school. They were in love, and careless, and mom was pregnant with my older sister Jessie at 15. My grandparents were strictly religious, and kicked her out on the spot, but they still had to see her all the time because she just moved next door with my dad, Harry, and his parents, who doted on Jessie all the time Two years later she had me, and the family expanded.

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