Chapter 22

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I lost track of the number of orgasms we each had to consummate our marriage. We did stop once more for another refill on pizza, cookies, and water because I was afraid of being dehydrated, and we had a lovely shower session where we took turns getting clean, and then dirty again, before finishing with clean. But sooner or later, we just ran out of energy, and fell asleep while wrapped up with one another.

We had a pair of alarms set for 11AM, one on my phone and one on the clock next to the bed. Mostly because I wanted to be showered and dressed before mom came home around noon, but also because we had a hugely important meeting with the trust fund lawyer at 1PM. Well, Sam had the meeting, and I was going for support. That and I never wanted my wife to be out of my sight, I couldn't stop holding her. I felt like a koala, and she was my eucalyptus tree.

It was a better shower arrangement being married now. We could both comfortably fit in the shower, and that way I could wash her hair for her. And her ass. And her breasts. And God the showers keep getting longer! This is not my fault though. As much as I detest Sam's father, the man evidently gave some amazing DNA to help make this heavenly creation that I married. I mean, holy fuck, I should just be on my knees worshipping her. Okay, for the record, I did do that last night, and it works really well when she's bent over the edge of the bed with her ass in the air and... wait... hold up, I think mom just came home. I better stop remembering those things or we'll miss that meeting.

Once I was dressed, I joined mom out in the kitchen. While I was able to speed up Sam's shower time, kind of, I couldn't help speed up her hair drying time, and she had a lot of that lovely hair. Mom was puttering around the kitchen, having a glass of water, and smirking at me.

"So, you two had some fun, huh?" she asked with a smirk.

"Seriously mom? We just got married, we're supposed to spend all day in bed. If we got a real honeymoon, it would have been all week!" I pointed out.

She nodded her head towards the fridge. "I think it was a lot more than the bed!"

When I looked at the fridge, my eyes bulged and I think my face went well beyond red. You ever touch a stainless-steel appliance? It keeps fingerprints like nobody's business. They look gorgeous but need a lot of cleaning. Well, imprinted on the stainless-steel fridge now was the image of Sam's glorious ass where I'd had her pinned yesterday while licking her, and below that the outlines of my breasts and nipples, which then led lower to my... oh shit. Hey, I cleaned off the island! I tried! "Can I just say sorry, and we never ever mention this again? Please?"

My mom just slid the stainless cleaning spray across the island to me with a chuckle, but I took a few pictures of the fridge before I cleaned it. I was going to have that ass mounted and framed so I could see it whenever I liked! I did get it clean before Sam came out though. I know my mom loves her, and Sam is comfortable now being a part of the family, but she would be even more embarrassed than I was if she knew that had been there. I mean, I'm going to show her the picture when it is framed, but I figure maybe she'll be less self-conscious about being embarrassed at that point.

I had just finished cleaning everything up when Sam joined us, looking scrumptious in a pair of her new jeans and a black crop top that made me want to run my tongue along her belly. Having just cleaned up the evidence of our last kitchen encounter though, I was able to control myself. But I knew that later I would have my hands running up and under that shirt to lift it over her head and then nibble and suck every.... Damnit! I'm acting like a sex crazed teenager! Oh! I am one! I'm allowed to! Yes!

"I made sure the marriage was filed at the clerk's office on the way back here," my mom said, holding out an envelope to Sam. "Here is your copy in case the lawyer needs it."

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