Chapter 15

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When my mom arrived about an hour later, she found us snuggling in Sam's hospital bed waiting on the doctor. The nurse had already told us that Sam was going to be discharged as soon as the doctor came by to give her a final checkup. But we had to wait for the doctor to finish her morning rounds before she could do that. In the meantime, cuddles were the best medicine.

"Okay ladies, who wants breakfast?" mom greeted us.

"I believe both I and my fiancé would like some," I replied with a grin. Beside me, Sam nodded happily as well.

"I guess you already asked her huh?" mom asked.

"I did. But I want to get her a ring too," I confirmed.

"Well, we're going to have a busy few days doing all this, but I think we can get it done." My mom pulled a notepad out of her pocket. "We have to go to the county clerk to get a license, which is fine if Sam knows her social security number, and I'm there to get approval since you're still 17. Then we'll have a three day waiting period before we can get you married, but there are several justices around that can do it this weekend, and then you're all legal. Somewhere in there you should get the rings and maybe some nice dresses."

"And then I need to contact the trust's lawyer and unload the company," Sam agreed. "But I still don't know what to do about my sister."

My mom's face broke into a grin at that too. "You're going to sue your dad for custody of your sister. She's adopted, and with his behavior in forcing you to marry, and holding her wellbeing over your head, it is a good case. But the best thing is, it doesn't matter if you lose or not. Even if he wins custody, he can't retaliate against her or you'll be proven right, and he'll lose custody in a heartbeat after that."

"Will she have to testify? I don't want her to have to go through a court case," Sam wondered softly.

Mom shook her head. "Nope. They could have her interviewed outside of the court by guardian ad litem that is just for her. Depending on her age, they may take her desires into account, so if she wanted to live with you, it would be a big plus in your favor."

"I think she will. Every time we talk on the phone, we mention getting back together. She doesn't like it there, and knows dad stashed her there to keep her out of sight. She's getting her therapy thankfully, so I guess that part it is working." Sam was rubbing her hands over her arms, and I pulled her into me for support.

"We'll get her back, okay Sammy? I promise!"

"Thanks so much!" Sammy cried, happy tears in her eyes. "This is so crazy, but I want to do it! This plan is a lot better than living in fear of my dad and Dave."

"And you get a wife out of the deal," I joked as I reached over to tickle her.

"Yes, I do!" she yelped as she giggled. "A cute one with a nice butt!"

"Not as nice as yours!"

"Hey, I'm still here!" mom called over to us. "So, let's keep the butt talk out of it!"

"Sorry mom!"

"And Sam, turn your phone off until we're done with all of this. We don't want your dad using it to track you until he can't stop us," she suggested. See, this is why she's a cop. I bet she would be a good criminal too.

By the time the doctor got there, Sammy and I were both already dressed and ready to go. The doctor did her perfunctory check up and pronounced Sam ready to go, but to be monitored in case she wasn't feeling well. I was more than happy to provide that monitoring. Once everything was signed, we all headed out to mom's cruiser, and then drove to the county clerk office. I sat in the back with Sammy, clutching her hand excitedly.

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