Chapter 14

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TW – Attempted sexual assault


Seconds after I heard Dave's voice, I was rushing through the doors to Chili's. The hostess tried to ask if I needed help, but I ignored her. Looking over at the bar, I saw mom and Steve surrounded by a crowd of people watching college basketball who were probably blocking their view, and they both stood when they saw me come in. I turned and saw the sign for the restrooms, figuring that was probably where Dave would take Sam, since I didn't see him headed for the doors. I ran as fast as I could, slowing only to dodge a busboy who was carrying a lot of glassware.

When I made it to the bathroom area, the men's room was straight ahead, with those same two boys that had been with Dave after school standing in front of it like guards. "Does he have her in there?" I asked, a little out of breath.

"The bathroom is closed, sorry!" the guy on the left chuckled.

"I don't think I learned either of your names, but I'm going to fuck both of you right the hell up. Sorry about that!" I charged the one that spoke and gave him a straight kick to the solar plexus, launching him backwards into the door and causing it to fly open. I could hear Dave cursing in there as the boy groaned in pain. His buddy just stood shocked, and I gave him a left uppercut into the gut, and then a knee to the face when he doubled over.

I stepped over their bodies, pausing only to stomp on the first one's groin as I made my way into the bathroom. I found Dave trying to figure out how to take Sam's clothing off, as he looked at me in shock. He had her pants around her knees, but she still had a full bodysuit and the leotard covering everything and he didn't seem to know what to do.

"Hey Dave. Looks like you're trying to rape an unconscious girl. Pretty sure that's illegal," I pointed out. "I think I'm going to have to kick your fucking ass for that one."

"Fuck you! She's mine!" Dave screamed at me.

At that point, Steve and my mom entered the bathroom, and took in the scene. "Shit, what a mess!"

"Can you to please get Sam to the hospital and clean up the other two?" I asked politely. "I need to have a little talk with Dave here."

"Abby, you know we can't do that," my mom replied. "An ambulance is already on the way, but Dave needs to be arrested."

"The fuck I do! I didn't do anything! The cops won't believe you!" Dave chuckled harshly.

"Dave, we are the cops," Steve told him. "And I'm wearing my body cam, so just turn around and assume the position."

While Steve started cuffing a screaming Dave and reading him his rights, I rushed over to Sammy, dropping to my knees, and pulling Sammy into my lap so she wasn't on the floor anymore, and holding her close. I could feel her breathing, but if I didn't hold her, I was going to really mess up Dave, and I didn't want to do that on the body cam. I had forgotten Steve even had that.

Luckily, the paramedics arrived shortly thereafter, and loaded her onto one of their stretchers to take her to their ambulance. I followed along, holding Sam's hand, and detouring only long enough to grab her phone off the table where it had been left.

The trip to the hospital couldn't be over fast enough. I wanted Sam to be awake and, in my arms, but I didn't know how long any of that would take. When we finally did arrive, they pulled up to the ER, and brought her inside to one of the rooms for an evaluation. They wouldn't even let me stay with her, since I wasn't family, and I had to wait outside until they could let me see her. It wasn't like her actual family would come anyway, there was no way I was telling the people that were pushing this onto her that she was hurt. They'd just make it worse.

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