Chapter 7

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When the bell rang for me to head to PE, I just groaned. I just wanted to stay in the library and wait for Sam, but that was two periods away, so I grumbled as I stood up and marched my way to the gym. I didn't want to deal with the cousins again after they obviously set Dave on me. Those little shits needed to be taken down a peg.

Sam and the bitches were in the back corner, just as they had been the previous day. I took the same locker, and quickly started changing.

"Hey Abby, I heard you got to meet Dave today." Melissa said with a smirk.

"Oh yeah, charming asshole. He wanted to show me his magic penis," I replied nonchalantly.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked, her concern evident.

"Yeah, I'm all good. I didn't believe it was magic anyway. But he said it worked on both of your cousins though." I turned to look at them both. "He never did tell me if 'open sesame' worked on your legs or your mouths though." I know, it was wrong to say, and I shouldn't have stooped to that level, but damn did I hate what they were doing to Sam!

"He what?" screeched Maggie.

"I told you he was mine, you bitch!" Melissa yelled at her sister.

That actually worked much better than I meant it to. I was just trying to insult them. I sped up the changing process and jogged out to the gym with Sam, who was trying not to laugh out loud.

"I can't believe you did that!" She said, tears from her laughter in her eyes. "Oh, they so deserved that!"

"I didn't know they were really sleeping with him, I just wanted to be snarky!"

"And my father wonders why I don't want to marry that shithead."

"What? You don't want a husband with a magic penis?" I asked with a giggle.

She moved over to me, whispering down into my ear. "I'd rather have a wife with a magic tongue."

Oh fuck. That got me good. I couldn't talk for a solid minute as my face turned beet red. She just snickered as she looked at me, knowing damned well what she'd done. But now I was worried. Do I have a magic tongue? It wasn't like I'd had any practice with it. Can you practice? How would I do that? Shit! Why can't my brain stop overanalyzing everything!

Thank God for the coach's whistle breaking me away from my own brain. The sport today was basketball. Not one of my favorites, I wasn't exactly tall. Oh, and I couldn't shoot. And I could dribble a soccer ball with my feet a lot better than a basketball with my hands. Oh well, at least I got to be on Sam's team, and we had fun watching Maggie and Melissa be on opposite teams and try to kill each other every time one of them had the ball. Very entertaining. Sam and I were well behaved. Other than a few high fives when our team won, we barely interacted. It was difficult, but the prospect of being alone with her for the next two classes gave me the boost I needed.

Before long, the class wrapped up, and I was able to get a quick shower before heading off to Creative Writing. With the M&M girls having a spat, they didn't walk Sam there, so I was able to go with her instead waiting again. I preferred that, obviously.

We'd finally been issued our school laptops, which made it easier to work on our stories, so that is what we started on. I typed my outline into a Word document, so it wouldn't have folds and scribbles all over it anymore and got to writing the story I wanted to. Would it be wrong to use Sam's real name? Maybe I should just give her an alias, like Callie, to remind her of our code word!

"Ms. Walker!" Sam asked in the middle of our class. "If I'm writing a romance, can the main characters have sex?"

"Sam, this story is going to be from your point of view, are you sure you want to write something like that?" Ms. Walker checked with her.

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