Chapter 9

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It was a boring Friday. Mom had let me know she was going on a date with her boyfriend Steven, a state trooper she'd been seeing for about eight months now. I was thrilled for her, since it was looking pretty serious, and he was a great guy. But that meant I was alone at the house. I ordered a pizza and was happily munching it while I finished reading the rest of Sam's story and listening to some music in my ear buds. Her sex scenes were quite creative, and I could only hope I could live up to her imagination. She seemed to think I could lift an awful lot based on the positions she had us in.

I had to admit though, the thought of having her up against the wall while her legs were over my shoulders and my face was between her thighs and her hands were in my hair sounded really hot. But we'd need a tall ceiling for sure, or she'd hit her head being up that high. I had a now familiar warmth in my belly as I thought of the two of us together, and I was doing my best to ignore it when my phone chimed.

Sammy – Your story had us getting married!

Well shit. I'd been so wrapped up in her sex scenes that I'd forgotten that my story included us getting married right after the winter break so she could get out of her dad's contracts. I thought it was a cute way for the story to have a happily ever after. Sam's story had ended with her running away with me after she moved out without the contract being fulfilled when she said 'no' at the altar. In her story, her dad staged a wedding between her and Dave, and Sam had finally said no. Neither of us had a solution to the Janine problem though, and she was what worried Sam the most.

So, I guess we both got the somewhat happy ending in our stories. I just hoped it came true in reality.

Me – Yeah, I couldn't help it. I thought it could be a good way for us to get you away from your dad and Dave in the story

Sammy – But we never consummate the wedding in your story!

Me – So I need another sex scene?

Sammy – Or we could make one up ourselves

Me – You like making me crazy don't you?

Sammy – I have to! I'm already crazy for you!

Speaking of crazy, that was how much I was blushing while sitting up against my headboard now, my knees pulled up while staring at my phone.

Me - You already have me that way silly

Sammy – wyd?

Me – Just finished pizza, was reading your story and thinking I need a cold shower

Sammy – Can I join you?

Me – omg! How did neither of us write a scene like that?

Sammy – You can add it after our wedding

Me – was it weird reading about us getting married?

Sammy – nope. It was sweet. I liked your ending better than mine

Me – you had the better hot scenes though!

Sammy – we should combine our stories and make it reality

Me – I'd love that! I wish we could just go on a date

Sammy – you want to date me?

Me – Silly, I already asked you to be my gf! Isn't that something we should already be doing?

Sammy – Yes! Hey, can I call?

Me – Yes!

My phone rang a couple seconds later, and I was quick to answer it after seeing Sam's face light up on it. "Hey beautiful!"

"I could get used to you answering the phone like that." She replied with a happy sigh.

"I wasn't expecting you to call tonight. I thought you'd be on lockdown for the weekend." It was a happy surprise though, and one I'd happily take.

"I thought so too. The M&Ms have some cheerleader friends over, and dad flew to New York for the weekend to meet with a potential client," she explained. "So, I have the night to myself."

I sat up, excited. "Sam, would it be wrong for me to come kidnap you for a date then?"

There was silence on the other end of the line, no doubt Sam was trying to think if she could sneak out. "Are you serious?"

"Very! Give me an address and I'll be there!" I was already throwing jean shorts on and slipping on some Converse, so I'd be ready when she was.

"What would we do?" she asked shyly.

"I don't care, but we'd do it together. Maybe get some ice cream, or we could just come back here and watch movies. If your dad is out of town I could sneak you back early tomorrow after a sleepover," I was almost hyperventilating I was talking so fast now.

"Okay, I can't say no to any of that. Get your cute butt over here! I'll text the address," she said quickly. "Too bad too, I was already naked for phone sex!"

I stopped in my tracks. "You were?"

"Uh huh. But seeing you is much better!"

"Sam, you're killing me!" I cried out as I ran out to the car once the house was locked. I sent a quick text to my mom that I was having a sleepover with Sam, and then waited patiently for the address to come through.

"Okay, I'm going to work on sneaking out, I'll see you in a few minutes!" she said happily.

I plugged her address into the GPS and set off to go rescue my girlfriend. Yep, my girlfriend. I loved saying that! Her house was only about 15 minutes from mine, so I was able to get to her pretty fast. I didn't even have to pull into the driveway, as she was waiting out front on the sidewalk looking as gorgeous as ever. I pulled over, and she was in the passenger seat in a flash.

"Hey baby!" she said happily, a grin on her face.

"Hey there beautiful. I can't believe we're doing this! I feel like I just rescued Rapunzel!" I said as I got back out on the roads. "Did you eat anything?"

"Nope, I was avoiding the hags, so I'm starving. Feed your girlfriend before she wastes away before your eyes!" she cried out dramatically, while throwing her arm over her eyes and leaning back in the seat.

"Do you like pizza?" I asked.

"Your girlfriend has been revived. As long as there isn't salad on it, we're good." She happily straightened up in her seat.

"Will sausage and pepperoni be okay?"

"Perfect! You've won both my heart and my stomach!" she giggled, while reaching over and finding my hand with hers.

I don't think I could have been happier. Driving through the night while holding hands with the girl I'd been dreaming about for the last four years. Oh, and I can finally say that she is my girlfriend! We both kept trading glances as we drove down the darkened streets, singing along out of tune to whatever song came on next. Neither of us would be winning any singing competitions, but we had fun anyway!

Once we got back to my house, I gave Sam a quick tour while I heated up a few slices of the pizza for her. There really wasn't much to see, it was just a little three bedroom house, and with an open floorplan and everything was visible from the family room. So, the tour was stand in the room, turn in a circle, and you're done. When the pizza was warm, we brought it into my room to watch a few movies. I had big snuggling plans too, but not until the pizza was gone!

"Do you have a movie you'd like to watch?" I asked while pulling up Disney+ on the firestick in the bedroom.

Sam thought about that while chewing, then nodded. "I think that based on the way you rescued me and whisked me off through the dark, we have to go with Aladdin!"

I smiled at that thought, and happily pulled up the movie. Once her pizza was gone, she lay back on the bed with me and we had a perfect time wrapped up in each other's embrace. I could get used to this.

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