Chapter 21

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We stayed kneeling, leaning against one another as though we were two mannequins staged as though we had collapsed into each other. The collapsing part was true, all our arms hung limply at our sides, two of them glistening with the juices of a well-earned climax, and our bodies were soaked with as much sweat as a good soccer game would have produced.

But instead of exhaustion, I felt invigorated. My mouth was leisurely kissing the crook of Sam's neck, and both of us were sighing in contentment after our work out. Considering we'd had a minor freak out when we started, I'd say we did a damned good job for our first time.

"Well, that was horrible!" I giggled after I finally was able to breathe steadily again. "You only made me cum once! I thought I was going to have nonstop orgasms for a month!"

She lifted her head at me with a silly grin. "You know, as soon as I can move my fingers again, I'm going to treat you to more, but I have a fucking cramp!"

"Me too! Are there finger exercises we can do? Or do we just have to do that a lot more to work up our finger stamina? Do I need to use both hands? Become ambidextrous so I can switch fingers between sessions?" I asked rapid fire.

She just laughed at me. "Ladies and gentlemen, the world's first sex nerd!"

"And you're stuck with me!" I pointed out.

"Yes, I am," she agreed. "And I'm going to be your workout partner for lots of finger exercises."

"That may have to wait, first I need to replenish the tanks with some pizza. Want some?" I asked. I had never realized in the hectic morning that I'd never had breakfast, and after the fun with Sammy I was starved for some food. Wait a minute! I lifted my sticky fingers, licking her wetness off my fingers and moaning at the flavor. Damn I couldn't wait for round two! She decided to follow my example and we both enjoyed a bit of each other.

"I think we might need to heat up the whole thing, I could definitely use some food," she agreed while sucking her fingers clean.

We didn't bother getting dressed. My mom had left the house to us, and I knew as soon we were done eating, I'd have her back in bed with me and we'd be trying to make more wedding day memories. I preheated the oven and stuck the pizza in there with the timer set to 15 minutes. I know, it takes longer, but it is SO much better than microwave. This is not up for debate!

"Ugh, I always get hungry when I'm waiting to eat!" I whined after I set the timer.

"You can't wait 15 minutes?" Sammy poked me in the belly with a giggle.

"No! I need a snack!" I turned to go to the pantry, but Sam grabbed my arm and stopped me. I turned around and she had hopped up onto the kitchen island, laying back and propping her feet on the edge while spreading her legs and giving me a view of her still moist folds.

"You still have 14 minutes and change, enjoy your snack!" She wiggled her hips a bit for added emphasis.

I just stared at her for a moment, my jaw slack with amazement. I'm the luckiest girl ever! I took two steps over to the counter and then crouched down a bit to take in the sight of Sammy's pussy up close. Can I be honest? I've checked out my own, I mean how can you not, right? But there is no way I could ever be flexible enough to get as close as I was to Sammy's, and I was amazed. Her lips were so delicate, pink from our earlier pleasure and moist with the juices and their heady aroma. I'd tasted a bit of her around her damp panties, and enjoyed her flavor, but this was making me salivate in anticipation. I lifted my head, looking up into her eyes and seeing her biting her lower lip in anticipation.

When I saw the desire in her expression, I groaned happily, and then flattened my tongue and took a long lick, trying to catch as much of her sweet pussy as I could. As soon as I touched her, she sucked in her breath and then let out a moan that made me melt. I let my mouth explore her, teasing her lips, flicking up to suck on her clit, and then using my fingers to spread her lips apart and slide it within her. She was delicious. I don't know how to explain her flavor, it was musky and sweet and salty all at once, and I was deliriously happy to savor every lick and taste.

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