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Trigger warnings: homophobia, the f slur, verbal bullying (?)
(Tell me if I've missed something)

"Hey Ned," Peter said cheerily, putting away his phone.

"What do you want?" Ned said with a sigh and stopped, not looking very happy.

"I don't know, maybe eat lunch with you? We usually eat lunch together?" Peter asked, confused.

"Sorry not sorry, but I'm not hanging out with fags. So leave me alone," Ned answered with a cold glare to Peter, who just stared at him in confusion, a hurt look in his eyes.

"N-Ned? What- What do you mean?" Peter stuttered when he realized what his so-called best friend said to him. "I- I thought-"

"Yeah you thought I'd hang out with a gay freak like you? No thanks," Ned said and then walked away.

With the realization that he just lost his best and only friend, tears started forming in Peters eyes. He just couldn't believe something like that would happen, he always thought he could trust Ned, but it seemed like he couldnt.

"Hey Penis Parker, did you lose your only friend? Oh nooo, now you're all alone! How sad!"
Peter knew exactly where and from whom this voice was coming from. The owner of that voice was probably already on his way to the table Peter was sitting at, just to make fun of him. Without thinking much, he sprung up, took his backpack and ran towards the boys toilets to lock himself there, where Flash couldn't get to him, at least not physically.

"Hey Penis Parker, why are you running? Are you scared? Scared without your only friend, the one that left you for being a gay freak?" Flash yelled behind Peter, luckily not following him. Almost everyone in the cafeteria was laughing now, making him realise that nobody cares for him at all, this making him cry even more.

Arrived at the boys toilets, Peter locked himself in one cubicle, sat down on the lid and cried. Cried until there were no more tears to come out.

After a moment he heard somebody taking a deep breath and then talking.

"Hey, your names Parker, right? I'm Wade, uh, Wade Wilson. I'm really sorry for what happened in the cafeteria, we, MJ and I, should've stood up for you. But, if you want to talk to you, were here for you. Well, MJ is not exactly here because she's kinda not allowed in the boys toilets, but I think you understand what I mean," He chuckled, but his voice was serious, as if he really meant it.

Peter chuckled too, lightly, before it got interrupted by a sob. "Thank you," was the only thing he could say before sobbing again.

"No problem." The other boy, Wade, went out of the room, knowing Peter would need more time alone. He smiled, thinking they maybe could be friends. MJ just smiled at his facial expression, knowing what he was thinking about.

Peter took out his phone and headphones out of his pocket, wanting nothing more than just to listen to his music and forget everything that happened in the last hour.


When Peter went out of the bathroom, the last period had already ended, but there were still people in the hallway, two, to be exact. Both of them were sitting on the floor next to the bathrooms. One of them, a tall boy with a lot of scars on his face and on his arms, probably from fights with other people. He was looking at something on his phone, laughing slightly. The other person was a girl, slightly shorter than the boy. She was sleeping, her head on the boys shoulder.

They both seemed peaceful, so Peter didn't want to bother them and tried to sneak away.

"Hey, Parker!" Peter heard from behind him. He recognised the voice, it was Wade from before, so he turned around facing the direction the voice came from. "Are you better now?" the boy on the floor asked now, a smile on his lips but worry in his eyes.

"Yeah... I guess so," Peter answered, looking down, not wanting the other boy to see his reddened eyes and tear stains on his cheeks. Now the other boy got up, ignoring the girl next to him falling onto the floor head first, waking up because of that.

"You probably remember me, I'm Wade," he said with a smile, reaching his right hand out to me, waiting for Peter to shake it.

"I'm Peter," he said, a little smile crawling onto his lips, but it was easily seen that it didnt reach his sad eyes.

"Wade you bitch," the girl behind Wade said. The boys looked at her getting up, with a very annoyed look on her face. "You're dead."

Wade quickly jumped behind Peters back, trying to hide. "She means it," he whispered into Peters ear. "Hey, MJ, how are ya doing... Heh," he added a bit louder. The girl, MJ, just rolled her eyes.

"Hey, my names Michelle but I guess you can call me MJ," she said, smiling in Peters direction.

"Why can he call you MJ already? You allowed me to call you MJ only months after we met," Wade gasped, first shockingly, but after he saw MJ's death glare, his voice quickly became quieter. "NO! Dont hurt me! I got the precious little bean as a human shield," he yelled when MJ took a step forward, holding Peter infront of him, who was slightly blushing because of the nickname Wade gave him.

"Lets just go. Wanna get ice cream? Peter was your name, right?" MJ said after a short sigh.

"Yeah, but I- I think I gotta go home now, dont wanna be a bother, you know?" Peter said nervously, not really believing that those two would want to do something with him, but MJ just chuckled.

"Oh youre not a bother at all, actually you're-" Wade's hand landed right on her mouth before she could end her sentence, making the last words not audible to Peter.

"Shut the fuck up, he told her, his face red like a tomato. What she wanted to say was, that not you are the bother but I, the great Wade Wilson, am the one that bothers her. You could never be a bother, precious little bean," Wade said into Peter's direction, flashing a big smile. "But if you want to, we can walk you to your house, if thats fine for you."

"N-no, dont bother, everythings fine!" Peter tried to tell them. Both of them were not looking like they believed him, but didn't say anything.

"We'll bring you at least to the school gate, after that youre free," Wade spoke up after a short moment of silence.

"Alright, thanks," Peter said smiling, now the smile was starting to reach his eyes, believing that he could actually trust those two.

After Wade got the backpacks of MJ and himself, hers was a casual black one while Wades was one from Hello Kitty, all three of them went outside to the school gate. They said goodbye after Wade promised to wait right there on monday, then everyone went into their own directions.

[A/N I'm probably gonna update (almost) everyday, but it's possible that I forget it sometimes :) ]

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