Chapter 26

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CW: swearing

When Peter finally remembered the meet up he was supposed to have with the Black Widow and the Winter Soldier, he was already almost late.

He yelled a quick “Bye, I gotta go, be back later!” to Matt and hoped that he wouldn’t ask any questions.

Not having the time to put on his whole suit, Peter stuck with his mask and web shooters and swung out of the window to the abandoned building he’d been brought to three days ago.

It didn’t take him long to get there, but it did take him quite some time to find the right door he was supposed to enter. There were many similar-looking doors lined up next to each other, each leading into similar-looking rooms, and Peter didn’t remember which one he’d come out of the last time he’d been there.

After what felt like ages, he finally opened a door to find the two heroes leaning on the wall, glaring daggers at him.

“You’re late,” Romanoff said, just as Peter closed the door.

“Yeah, uh…" Peter contemplated for a moment whether he should say the truth or quickly make up a lie about being held up by something or someone, then decided on the truth. "Sorry, I forgot and then didn't find the right door."

Romanoff rolled her eyes and Barnes pursed his lips at that answer, yet neither of them said anything.

The silence continued for a few more minutes, and Peter was starting to get uncomfortable. Why did the two heroes call him here?

After another few moments, Peter broke the silence with an "Uhm", wanting to ask what they wanted from him this time, yet he was quickly interrupted by a quiet thump from outside the room.

Both superheroes immediately grabbed their weapons. Romanoff said "Get down." to Peter, then put up her gun and shot the door a few times, while Peter crouched on the floor and put his hands over his ears.

Behind the door, a muffled "MotherfUCK–" was heard. Peter didn't recognize the voice, yet it seemed like both of the other heroes knew the person it belonged to.

Romanoff immediately went straight to the door, walking around Peter who hadn't bothered to get up and just sat down on the floor.

Even though the door was shut tightly, Peter could hear the whispered conversation as if it was happening right next to him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Romanoff asked.

"Well as you see," the unknown person answered, "I followed you and then waited in the vents, but you know, these vents are old as FUCK!"

A very annoyed sigh was heard, then a loud "OW! NAT STOP IT! MY HAIR! OW OW OW" and the door opened to reveal Romanoff dragging a blond guy by his hair into the room.

The man stumbled into the room and brushed the dust off his black-purple clothes. He then brushed a hand through his already messy hair and smiled awkwardly.

"Hi, uh…" He paused for a moment. "I'm Hawkeye, and you must be Spiderman, then?"

"Am I? Why didn't anybody tell me!" Peter said sarcastically.

"Look, I'm sure you're still upset about when we attacked you, right?" Hawkeye waited a moment until Peter nodded. "I don't expect you to forgive me or anyone else who fought you, but I do want you to know that I know what we did was wrong. We shouldn't have pushed you to come with us, and I'm sorry."

Peter squinted, not too sure whether he should believe the man in front of him. He _had_ hesitated a bit and had seemed a little less sure than the other when they attacked them, but that doesn't make up for anything.

"Thank you for the apology, I guess, but why are you actually here?" Peter said, then turned to Romanoff and Barnes. "And why weren't you there when the other guys attacked me? I thought you guys were a team?"

This time, Barnes spoke: "We didn't agree with the way the others wanted to handle the assignment Fury gave us, so Romanoff asked if we could take a different approach and Fury agreed. And here we are."

"I'll just assume that is true. But why is he," Peter pointed at Hawkeye without turning around. "here? Like, I know why, but how and why did he get here?"

Hawkeye made a move to speak, but Romanoff interrupted him before he could say anything: "That doesn't matter right now, I assume he just followed us and hoped for the best."

"Hey!! That's– Okay, no, you're absolutely right."

"Told you. But I'm sure he will keep this a secret, am I right?" Romanoff looked at Hawkeye with an ice-cold glare.

"Of course, my dearest friend," he answered sarcastically, yet Peter saw a sparkle of fear in his eyes. He snickered internally.

Romanoff clapped her hands once. "Great. Now, let's get to why we're here. Spiderman, you told us you'd think of a compromise considering your identity that'd make everyone involved happy. What have you got?"

Peter paused, trying to remember what he'd come up with during the last few days. It wasn't a lot, but he hadn't been able to think of anything better.

"First of all, I think I could be alright with Fury, and maybe you guys, knowing my identity. But," Peter put extra emphasis on that word. "You have to swear that you won't write it down or anything. I want to be sure that nobody can just hack into your systems and find out who I am."

"I don't think anybody can hack in there," Romanoff said crossing her arms. "Nobody who's tried has managed to so far, we would've been notified."

"That doesn't matter right now. What does matter is that you'll have to accept my conditions if you want me to cooperate and give you my identity. But, it's your decision."

The three heroes thought for themselves for a moment, then they seemed to have a silent conversation just through their looks.

It took a while and a few angry hand gestures, but soon enough Romanoff spoke up: "We'll talk about this with Fury. Meet us here tomorrow."

"Will Fury be here as well?" Peter asked.

"We'll see about that."

"Alright then! I'll see you tomorrow!" Peter said  as he made way for the door. None of the adults tried to stop him, so he just went out of the room and back to Matt's apartment.

look at that. another chapter
also, sorry if I don't reply to every comment, but I can assure you that I read every single one and I love them all!
thank you!

wrong number, sorry! ~ irondad & spidersonWhere stories live. Discover now