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Monday evening but... later than in chapter 16?

The sun was finally set and more and more stars started to appear in the early night sky. Peter thought for a moment and decided to bring his stuff up on a roof, so it wouldn't be stolen. It was already bad enough that his other stuff was gone, he couldn't risk losing what little he had left.
With that in mind, the arachnid crawled up the walls all the way up to the roof. He searched for a place where he'd be shielded from the wind and, if possible, the rain too.
Eventually, Peter found a small spot, not big enough for himself to fit in, but at least his stuff would be safe. He put what he had left into that corner and only kept the Spiderman suit out, changing into it right after he made sure his stuff wouldn't be seen if anybody chose to come up to the roof for some reason.
The boy knew the risk of being out as Spiderman right now. The Avengers were still after him, he didn't have enough energy to properly heal if he got hurt, but Peter knew that he'd rather die fighting than letting innocent citizens get hurt, just because he had been a coward and hid instead of helping them.
Quickly, Peter pushed those thoughts aside and checked on his webshooters. They were still full enough for a couple patrols, but he'd have to fill them up as soon as possible. He didn't know where or how he'd do that, but that was a problem for another time.
The spider perched on the edge of the roof and listened. Shortly after, he swung to the nearest crime, determined to help whoever needed his help.
After barely an hour, Peter became exhausted. He had barely eaten anything and his fast metabolism didn't help his situation at all.
Finally, he was back on the rooftop he left his stuff on. After a quick check on his belongings, he sat down and took out an energy bar. He'd have to stock up on them soon, too.
While he was eating, the boy didn't notice the person sneaking up on him from behind, he was just too tired and worn out. And when he finally noticed, it was too late.


here you go

published: 08-05-22

wrong number, sorry! ~ irondad & spidersonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя