Part 1

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"Come on, go check!" Yeji pushed Lia and Chaeryoung. "Yuna and I will wait here, hurry."

Lia and Chaeryoung reluctantly agreed and went to the notice board. It was the first day of school. A new year. The whole team, Lia, Chaeryoung, Yuna and Yeji were hoping to be in the same class again like every year. Lia and Chaeryoung made their way to the notice board and gave Yeji and Yuna the good news.

"And we're in the same class again." Chaeryoung announced.
"Our class is right around the corner so let's find it?" Yuna said right after.

They managed to find their class and sat at their allocated seats that they were given last week during introduction week. Lia sat down with Yuna to her left and an empty seat to her right. Within a few minutes, the class was flooded with students but the seat next to Lia remained empty.

Mr Kim, their form tutor, took the register. "Okay, class, it looks like everyone is here expect one student." He pointed at the only empty seat in the class, the one next to Lia. "Shin Ryujin will have to catch up then. Let's start then, shall we?"

Shin Ryujin? Lia thought. She took her textbook out, quickly forgetting the name and followed whatever Mr Kim was saying. The lesson felt like a drag and was a drag. When the bell rang indicating lunch time, the school's corridor was full of laughing and cheering.

"Can't believe almost everyone showed up to school today. Only one person missing, can you believe it?" Yeji stated.
"Yeah, who was missing again? Shin Ryulin? Ryubin?" Yuna questioned.
"Shin Ryujin." Lia clearly stated.
Yeji smirked, "Oh, you remember her name?"
"Well she is my seatmate after all. Besides, it's good to remember your classmates' names right."
"Yeah, whatever, let's go."

They took a tour around the school. The building was renovated so it looked completely different compared to last year.

The day went by rather quick but was still very mundane. Lia parted with her friends and went to the bakery to buy some donuts for herself. One of her favourite things to do was visit the bakery alone. The heavenly smell of fresh bread always made her happy.

She entered the shop and greeted the staff. She knew them well as she visited often. Next to the shelf full of cook books, she saw a girl staring at the display. Probably wondering about which bread to buy.

"I suggest this one, it's good." Lia pointed. The other girl turned to look at her backed away, making sure to avoid eye contact.
"Thank you, I'll buy that." She stuttered.
Lia felt as if she intruded into her personal space.
"Sorry about creeping up like that. Hi, I'm Lia by the way." She gave a friendly smile.
"Thank you Lia, I'm sorry, I have to go." She left the shop without buying the bread. Lia felt disappointed and a bit heartbroken. She thought the girl ran away from her, she didn't even get her name. Oh well, I guess she'll come back another day.

She walked out the store with a box of donuts for her and her family.

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