Part 14

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Still Ryujin POV

The day and the next day went by really quick. My heart was racing. I had to stay at my mother's house the next day. Who knows what could happen.

Lia and I spend the day together. We went to the arcade, then went out for lunch and then to the Riverside.

"I don't how I'll get through the day tomorrow without you Ryujin." Lia told me as she saw the sunset. "I'm going to miss you."

"It's one day, don't worry. I'm going to miss you too."

"I'm scared though." Lia started tearing up.

"I'm scared too." I looked up at the sky. "It's late, I better get going."

Lia grabbed my hand, "I'll see you soon right?"

I didnt know how to answer that. "Yes, I will, I hope."

I walked away from her with a heavy heart. It felt like I was leaving Lia behind forever. I couldn't bare seeing her so sad. A few hours passed and I noticed that Lia never came back home.  I panicked and ran to the spot I left her last.

I needed to tell her something important. I probably wouldn't make it through the next day alive knowing my mother could beat me to death. I needed to tell Lia how I felt, even though I was sure she didn't feel the same way. This might have been my last moment with her.
She was still there, thankfully.

"Oh Ryujin, you're back."

"Lia, I need to tell you something."

"What happened?"

"I'm sorry." I bowed.

"Why are you sorry, please don't be sorry." She started crying and then I started crying.

"I'm sorry Lia. I'm sorry you wasted all that time on me. I'm sorry I made you worry so much. I'm sorry for making you cry so much. I'm really sorry. I don't know if I'll make it through the next day. No, not because my mother will hit me again but because I can't live without you. I'm nothing without you. I need you. I'm sorry Lia. I'm sorry for falling in love with you."

I turned around and ran away. I didn't even get a good look at her, my tears covered my vision. I ran back home, or whatever that place was called. A part of me felt like jumping from the roof, I destroyed my friendship with Lia and I had to go to my mother's place tomorrow. Another part of me wanted to live. Maybe I could survive the next day and maybe Lia would understand and continue being friends with me.


I stood there, seeing her run away from me. I broke down. I wanted to hug her, comfort her, I wanted to tell her that I love her more than she could ever imagine. I prayed that that wasn't my last chance. I prayed that I'd see Ryujin again soon.

Until I see you again Ryujin, I love you.

Back to 3rd person

Ryujin got the bus to her mother's house the next morning. She didn't say bye to Lia, she couldn't. Her heart hurt even more than all the bruises and wounds her mother gave her combined together. She didn't want that to be the end. She wanted to end things on a positive note.

About an hour later, she arrived. Her mother didn't greet her, obviously.

"Oh the rat came."
"Hello mother."
"Get inside and stay quiet."
She pushed Ryujin inside a locked room. Something that looked like a prison. It didn't even seem like air got in either.

Ryujin wanted to message Lia saying she was okay for now but her heart told her not to. Lia suddenly send her a message though.

Are you alright ryu, did u reach safely?

She was probably just doing her duty as a friend anyway. That's what Ryujin thought. She decided not to reply and switched her phone off.

Lia continued sending messages to her and continued getting more worried.

You alright ryu?

Pls message me when u can, stay safe

How are u? Can i call?

Ryujin, i hope youre okay

I love you

Ryujin never saw the messages that day.

What she wish didn't happen, happened.

"Listen here you piece of crap, why can't you just be a good daughter huh?" Ryujin's mother was drunk and so was her boyfriend.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry my ass." Her mother got a bat out and hit Ryujin's had, very hard. She fell to the floor.

Her head was bleeding.

She fainted. She felt like she died.

A passer by saw the whole scene from the large window that covered the walls. He immediately dialed the police and ambulance. Within a few minutes, the neighbourhood was covered in loud sirens and frantic noises of people.

That same night, Ryujin's mother and her boyfriend were arrested for abuse. Ryujin was rushed to the hospital. She was on the edge of death and couldn't say bye to Lia.

She thought she died.

But she didn't.

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