Part 11

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Still Ryujin POV

I shouldn't have gotten my hopes too high.

I arrived at the location at 6 pm sharp, I didn't to keep her waiting incase she came earlier. To my disappointment, she wasn't there.

It's okay, there's still some time, I told myself.

I checked my watch again.

It's 6:30, no way she's coming now. Maybe she forgot. Maybe she just didn't want to offend me and agreed? No, Ryujin, why would she spend so much time with someone like you? She was obviously just trying to be nice. I don't blame Lia for not coming though. She probably wanted to spend time with her other friends.

At about 6:45, I decided to go back, I stood up and turned. To my surprise, I saw Lia, she was panting and had some things in her hands. She looked like she just ran a marathon.


She came.

She actually came.

I didn't care that she was almost an hour late, the fact she came meant the world to me.

"I'm so sorry Ryujin, I'm almost an hour late."
"That's okay, you're here right now, that's all that counts." I smiled  "What did you bring."
"Oh right, one minute."

I saw her place her things down and she took a small blue box. She pulled a necklace out of it. It had the letter R. It looked extremely gorgeous. She came closer and put it around my neck. Afterwards, she picked up a box of cake. It was chocolate cake, my favourite.

"Happy Birthday Ryujin."
"Lia- how did you know-, all this, thank you so much." I started tearing up again.
"I just, knew? I guess, anyway, I hope you like your gift. I was late because I tried finding the best chocolate cake and a suitable gift." She bowed to apologise.
"No no, please don't apologise, I'm just so glad you came. And thank you for everything."
"Are you hungry for cake?"
"Sure am."

We ate the cake together and it was the best cake I ever had. I had no idea Lia would know it's my birthday, I never mentioned it.

"Lia, thank you again." I said as we walked back home.
"Don't mention it, it is your birthday after all!"
"The best birthday I've ever had."
"I'll make sure every birthday from now on is special, okay Ryu?"

Ahh! She gave a nickname!

I nodded, "thank you!"

I genuinely was really happy. Everything felt like it was getting better. And that was only thanks to Lia.

Her smile, hugs, everything about her, just made my life better. When I was upset about her not coming, I was more upset that I couldn't spend time with her. I was so lost in thought that I didn't realise that Lia was holding my hand this whole time. When I noticed, I was a bit startled, but I loved it.

"Thank you Lia, so much, you don't know how much I appreciate you. I'm so grateful to have you in my life. I lo- *no idiot, you can't say that* I finally feel like my life is kind of worth living." I started crying, again.

She gave me a hug again, but this time the hug felt different. It felt better. She didn't say a word and just cried as she hugged me. I could understand what her answer was. 'I will never leave you.'


I really couldn't see Ryujin cry. It hurt me more than she could think. There's also this feeling I get around her. I don't what it is and I'm scared to find out. Whatever it is, it could ruin my friendship with her. I can't bare that.

I pulled out of our hug, grabbed her hand and said,

"Do you still have some time."
She nodded.
"Great, come with me."

I dragged her to a place I've only been once. That once with someone special. Nayeon unnie. That was a long time ago though, it's time to move on.

It was a fireworks display, a private one. I asked Ryujin to sit down and wait a few seconds, I was just going to ask the fireworks man what to display.

"Hello Sir." I bowed.
"Lia, long time no see! I'm so glad to see after all these years!"
"It really has been a long time." I laughed.
"You have you come with this time?"
"With, a friend."
"Clearly not just any friend."
"She's special to me." I smiled.
"Okay, what's her name."
"Any nickname?"
"Ryu would work."
"Okay then, wait for a few minutes and I'll get everything set up, is it her birthday today?"
I nodded.
He smiled. He clearly had the wrong idea.
"You know Lia, I didn't think you were the type to like girls, but you're very much in love with her."
"Hey what does that mean!"
"Just sit and wait." He smirked.

What does he mean 'not the type to like girls?' I loved Ryujin because of her personality and everything, not because she was a girl (even though that might have played a tiny role). Oh wait. I said it.

I love Ryujin.

Thank You || JinLia ffWhere stories live. Discover now