Part 10

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Back to 3rd person

After about an hour, Ryujin knocked on Lia's door. She took the time and effort to comb her hair and wear good clothes. She looked quite smart and tried to put on a warm smile. She remembered how much Lia liked seeing her smile. Lia opened the door and greeted Ryujin with a hug.

"Thank you for coming Ryujin, you look great!"
"I should be thanking you and your family for inviting me over, thank you so much."
"You must be Ryujin, Lia's talks about you so much." Lia's parents greeted her.
"Oh really, I hope it's all good things. Thank you so much for having me, I really appreciate." Ryujin bowed down and greeted her parents. They were friendly people.
"Yes all good things." Lia's mother laughed. "Let's sit down then, shall we."
Ryujin nodded and walked over to the well prepared table. She took a seat and was blessed by the beautiful aroma that came from the food. Everything felt so good that she started tearing up a bit. Lia noticed and rubbed her back. She smiled at her. She assured her everything would be alright. Lia's parents understood but didn't say anything as Lia told them not to mention or talk about Ryujin's family in front of her.

"Please eat as much as you want Ryujin dear." Lia's mother comforted her.
"Thank you so much, this means a lot."
"We are glad Lia has a friend like you. You're a very nice girl." Her father added.
"No no, I'm really lucky to have Lia as my friend. I really wish my family had a better relationship with one another. But I guess I'm out of luck."
"I'm sure one day, everything will be better." Her father added again as he passed Ryujin the chicken.
She nodded.

After dinner, Ryujin and Lia went up to her bedroom. They waited as Lia's father made tea and Lia's mother prepared dessert.

"Lia, thank you so much again." Ryujin kept thanking her. "This has probably been one of the best days of my life, thanks to you."
"Aww Ryujin, I'll keep on making sure that everyday is a better day for you. Because you deserve it." Lia sat next to Ryujin on the floor and held her hands.

"If you ever need anything, I'm here. Always." She said. She gave Ryujin a hug and stood up. "I'll just check if my parents need help, give me a minute."

Ryujin nodded and waited. She stood still in Lia's room and looked at her hands. Lia held my hands, she thought. She immediately stopped thinking about that and realized that she's just grateful for having Lia as a friend. Nothing more. Nothing less. But maybe something more. No, no, nothing more.


Ryujin fell asleep peacefully that night. She had a full stomach of chicken, rice, kimchi, tea and cake and she didn't get beaten up. She fell asleep with a smile on her face for the first time in her whole life. She really wanted to thank Lia in a special way but she didn't know how.

The next day, Lia was about to oversleep again, but she didn't. Lia's phone started ringing at 6:30 AM sharp.

"Hello?" Lia said in a sleepy voice.
"Sorry for waking you up Lia, but if you don't wake up now, you'll be late again." Ryujin teased.
"Oh Ryujin! I didn't even notice the time." She turned to the clock and squinted her eyes. "Thank you."
"No problem, I'll see you at school then! Bye!"

Ryujin POV

I was debating whether I should have asked Lia to go to the riverside with me because she'd like it. I decided to ask her.

"Hey Lia, if you're free this afternoon, can we go somewhere after school?"
"Of course Ryujin, where would you like to go?" She said as she closed her locker.
"The riverside?"
"What time?"
"Does 6 work for you?"
"I'll be there!"
"Thank you!"

At the end of the day, I saw Lia go somewhere with Yeji, Yuna and Chaeryoung.

She was going to meet my anyway later today, so maybe she wanted to spend some time with them. I also realized that I used up a lot of Lia's time.

I never meant to.

Anyway, I was excited to meet her later that day.

Thank You || JinLia ffWhere stories live. Discover now