Part 5

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Still Lia POV

On the next day, my group and I sat at our usual place in the cafeteria. We ordered the same pasta again becuase Yuna and Yeji loved it too much. Everything seemed fine but I didn't see Ryujin in sight. I decided not to tell them about Ryujin's family because she probably doesn't want people knowing.

Out of nowhere, I saw a girl approach our table. Ryujin.

She came to my side and bowed a bit.

"Thank you for the dinner Lia. I am really grateful for all your help."

"No worries Ryujin, just tell me if you need something else. Also, did you disinfect it?" I tried not mentioning the word 'bruises' and 'wounds' because I know Yeji, Yuna and Chaeryoung would want to know the whole story. Ryujin nodded.

"I have." She nodded again.

"Would you like to sit with us?" I asked her again. The trio nodded and made a sit available next to me.

"Oh no, please, you guys wouldn't want me around. I'll find another seat." She turned the other way and was about to leave.

I grabbed her hand but I think I accidentally pressed to hard on a cut. I mouthed a sorry and gave an apologetic look. She surprisingly smiled and agreed to sit with us.

"So, Ryujin and Lia, you two know each other?" Yeji quickly asked.

"Oh, actually Ryujin is my neighbour."

"So why did you give her dinner?" Yuna was confused.

"Oh because she just recently moved and did have any groceries in her fridge." I quickly added, Ryujin nodded.

"Okay, then what did she disinfect?" Chaeryoung asked right after.

So many questions.

"Basically, her kitchen counter needed some cleaning that's all."

I could tell Ryujin was impressed with how easily and calmly I answered all their questions. Knowing my friends, they would probably ask more but I glared at them making them stop.

"Ryujin, you're not eating?" Yuna asked.

"I... um.. already ate, before. I had a big breakfast."

I could tell she was lying. By big breakfast she meant small piece of bread.

"You should try the pasta here, it's great!" Yuna added.

"Maybe next time." Ryujin was a little shy again. Maybe she thought she was being weird. She turned to me and then quickly looked away. I knew Ryujin didn't eat anything so I got up and got her a plate of pasta.

"Eat." I told her.

"I can't Lia, you've already helped me enough-"

"I insist."

"Thank you."

Back to 3rd person

Yuna, Yeji and Chaeryoung were shocked by Lia's boldness. They definitely noticed that Lia was interested in Ryujin in some way.

"You guys are right, it is good." Ryujin said while stuffing her face. Yuna and Lia smiled at her.

"Told you I was right." Yuna agreed.

At the end of the school day, Yuna, Yeji and Chaeryoung decided to walk around the beach front. Lia was too tired so decided not to go.

"I promise I'll go with you guys during the weekend!"

Ryujin POV

I looked up and saw Lia waving at her friends. Must be nice to have friends. She came closer to me and smiled.

"Are you going home Ryujin?"

"Oh yes, yeah, I am."

"Is it okay if I walk with you?"

"If you want." I tried so hard to smile and I think Lia noticed.

A beam of sun hit her face, causing her to cover her face with her hand. The light made her look... ethereal. I was stunned. She's probably the prettiest person I've seen.

I started walking fast and saw her catching up with me.

"You're in a rush." She laughed.


"So, tell me about yourself Ryujin. What do you like doing."

"I don't really have time to be doing what I like."

"Oh I see."

"But I guess I like drawing."

"That's nice." She smiled.

"You seem to be so happy all the time. I'm kind of jealous." I accidentally said.

"I'm lucky to have good friends. I know your time will come."

"Who are your friends?"

"Well, there's Yuna, Yeji, Chaeryoung and... you."

"I'm your friend?"

"Unless you don't want to be my friend."

"I've never had a friend before."


"I'm always the lonely kid that gets left out." I tried laughing it off but clearly Lia was concerned. She stepped closer and gently caressed my cheek with her thumb.

"I'm glad to be your first friend then."

Her eyes lit up and I stared at her for a good few seconds.

"Thank you Lia."

"Don't need to thank me. Do you want to get some bubble tea with me? My treat!"

"That sounds nice." I smiled genuinely.

"I like seeing you smile. You should see how pretty you are when you do."

"Oh no, I am not pretty."

"You're prettier than you think."

"Thank you then. Thanks Lia." I smiled once again.

Thank You || JinLia ffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon