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"That was my first interview..." Y/n whispered, still unable to process what happened.

"I'm so proud of you, Y/n. You were amazing back there. That was quick thinking on your part." Shoto smiled at her.

"Pro hero Shoto! And Flarean! Can we take a picture with you?!" Some kids ran up to them and shouted. They got their photo taken, thanked the two heroes and ran off. The same thing happened a few times. Y/n gladly did some fan service, though it was just her first day working as a sidekick.

Y/n looked around and saw that they were near a toy store. Explains why there were lots of kids around.

"Oh.." She gasped. She turned to Shoto.

"Actually, Shoto. I gotta pick up some stuff. You can go to the next station, I'll catch up with you in a bit." She said and Shoto shook his head.

"It's okay, I can come with you. We have 15 minutes before moving on to the next station."

"No no! It's okay, really, I can go by myself." Y/n said and ran off, leaving Shoto standing there. She ran to the toy store and picked up some toys that she knew her kids would love. Well, she did promise that she'll bring gifts back, as long as they both behaved.

After checking out, Y/n hanged them on a small hoop that was part of her costume on her waist. It didn't look too bad on her.

"You went to pick up some items from a.. toy...store?" Shoto asked, his eyebrow raising mid sentence.

"O-oh, yeah, just checked it and, y'know,"

"We still need you to sign a few files and paperwork, I'm sorry about that," Shoto said as soon as they arrived back at the office

"That's fine."

"Can we talk, Y/n?"

"..we're already talking...?" Y/n asked, unsure.

"You know what I'm trying to say, Y/n." Shoto said with a stern voice.

"Right." Y/n replied and sat down on the chair in front of Shoto's fancy table.

"What happened? Why did you leave so abruptly? Without even saying goodbye?"

"I'm sorry, okay? Something came up and I had to take care of it.. I chose to move away so I won't burden anyone else." Y/n explained. She looked down as she spoke, not able to keep eye contact with Shoto.

"I need to know everything, Y/n. I waited for you for years, it hurt so much to think that... You just disappeared or you died.." Shoto trailed off.

"I'm here now, aren't I?" She said with a sad smile.

"That's... True."

For the rest of the day, Y/n stayed at the agency, filling out paperwork that Shoto asked her to do. In just a few weeks, she'll be able to work on rebuilding her name, and soon become a pro hero.

"I've missed training with you," Shoto said as he grabbed the pile of papers from Y/n's table.

"Yeah, it's been a while," Y/n replied and stood up, stretching her body after a long day.

"Do you wanna stay overtime and train? I have a training facility at the basement of this building. I got it built a few months ago, so I could train there when I'm not doing anything," Shoto invited, but Y/n immediately shook her head.

"Oh, I gotta go home. I have some stuff to do and kids to--people, people to take care of, " Y/n mentally slapped herself for almost slipping.

"Well, that's fine. Another time then. I'll drive you home." Shoto walked towards the door and opened it.

"N-No! It's fine, it's still quite early and the trains are still in service, I can just take that. I don't wanna bother you," She grabbed her suitcase and the bag where her gifts were.

"I insist, Y/n."

"Sir, it's okay. I can go home by myself." Y/n said with a stern voice, making Shoto just nod his head. He figured that whenever she'd call him Sir, she's really serious and won't let anyone get in her way.

"Okay. Just inform me if something happens. Call me." Shoto grabbed a business card and handed it to her.

"Good night, Shoto. I'll see you tomorrow." Y/n said and left.

Y/n stood on the platform, waiting for the train to arrive. She didn't do much work but she was exhausted from that one villain attack earlier that day.

When the train arrived, Y/n got in and sat down near the door. The doors were about to close when a man, in his hero costume, rushed in.

He took the seat next to Y/n, panting like a dog. Some parts of his costume got on her lap, so she politely brushed them away.

"Oh! I'm sorry for that!" He apologized. Her eyes shot up as she looked at him. The familiar red hair that was pointing upwards, the black metal around his face. He was shirtless but he had these cogs around his shoulders.

"Kirishima?" She gasped.

"Huh? How did you know my name? I go by Red Riot!" He playfully looked angry and pouted.

"Oh! I'm sorry, we--I, well, we used to be classmates!" She stuttered.

"Classmates? I don't recall..."



Y/n nodded with a smile. His face lit up, arms immediately wrapping around her.

"Y/n! It's been years! How are you here--?"

"Y'know, something came up back then and I had to leave. Now I'm permanently back here in Japan, I'm Shoto's sidekick for now and just waiting to get promoted to a pro hero." She explains, and Kirishima's eyes glowed with stars.

"That's amazing!! Can't wait to see you climb up the top hero rankings, oh--you're the new Shoto sidekick! I saw your quick interview earlier, had no idea it was you!" He exclaimed. "I saw you save those people, it's nice to see you back in action, Y/n!"

"Thanks, Kiri! I appreciate it."

"Does anyone else know? I know that Deku already knows, and of course Shoto... How about our old friends?! Iida, Mina, Sero, oh and Denki! Do they know that you're back?!"

"No.. If possible, I'm trying to not bump into them yet when I'm still adjusting here..." Y/n answered in a sad tone.

"That's okay. But man, it's just nice to have you back! Do you wanna go and grab dinner tonight? My shift just ended, and hey, we can even invite Baku--"

"I'm sorry, Eijiro, but I really need to go home now. My mom is waiting for me..." Y/n excused.

"That's okay, maybe another time then!" Kirishima enthusiastically replied.

"Well, we'll look forward to that dinner when we're both free. It's been a while and we need some time to catch up! Here's my number,  we'll set that dinner soon. Okay?" Y/n showed her phone with her number on it, and Kirishima immediately copied it into his phone.

"Of course! It's so nice to have you back. Oh--I guess this is your stop? I'll see you soon, Flarean!" Kirishima said as Y/n stood up when the train stopped. They both waved each other goodbye before the train left.

"Ei really grew up to be a manly hero." Y/n complimented.

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