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"Katsurin! Don't run around, you'll get hurt if you--"

"Nii-chan!" Katsuya cried out, seeing as her brother stumbled on his own feet, his small body colliding with the desk.

Katsurin wasn't hurt. Not a single body part of him screamed in pain.


He did have goosebumps all over his body. His neck received shivers down his spine. His hands started shaking, as well as his little knees. As he was standing up, he was forced to sit back down due to the weakness of his knees.

He was confused.

He looks down in front of the table. A shattered photo frame facing down greeted him.

"Katsurin! Are you okay--don't move! I'll clean that up!" Inko started panicking, seeing as Katsurin wasn't moving a muscle.

" 'Tsurin-nii? Are you okay?" Katsuya asked as she got behind her twin brother. She knelt down behind him, eyes glued on the broken glass on the floor.

Katsurin moved forward and knelt, his shaking hands carefully picking the broken frame. His throat ran dry when he saw the photo.

Their mother Y/n smiling at the camera, while he and his sister sat on either side of her lap.

" 'Tsurin-nii--!"

His head whipped towards his weeping twin. His own eyes widened.


As if on cue, All Might came into the  room. He was frantically shaking as he clutched the phone in his hand. The look on his face alarmed Inko.

"What happened?" Inko asks as he helped Katsurin to get away from the broken glass.

"Y/n, she got hit by the quirk malfunctioning drug!" All Might said with a shaking tone.

All of the blood from Inko's body drained. The twins were just as speechless. Though they were kids, they understood the situation. Their mother was hurt, and they could potentially lose her.


The top 3 pro heroes, also known as the Big 3, stood and sat in front of the big white door where the Midoriya was in for surgery.

They had to act quick so the drug would spread to her body. It might be too late, but the three held onto that one thin thread of hope.

Katsuki stood beside the chair where Izuku sat on. On the other side was where Shoto stood.

The three of them felt extremely disappointed at themselves for failing to protect her.

Especially Katsuki.

He immediately regretted everything he said towards her. He couldn't bear the fact that she might be gone because of him. Because she tried to save his life.

At that moment, Katsuki knew that Y/n still had feelings for him.

He may be assuming things, but that was what he felt.

Nothing else mattered when Y/n's life was on the line.

Katsuki blamed himself so much. He wanted to scream and kill the villains earlier.

To add fuel to the fire, those villains got away when they were distracted to aid Y/n when she got shot.

Katsuki remembered that masked man's words.

"I won't miss the second time,"

As he moved to his side to use the other gun. With precise aim, he shot her right to the chest which made the whole situation worse.

Katsuki couldn't react faster, and so did the other two heroes. It happened way too quickly that their brains couldn't process it.

Izuku also blamed himself. For all of the times where his body acted on impulse, why didn't it do its thing when his twin sister was in danger? Why didn't he use the powers he was given to save Y/n?

He was right there, just a few feet away from Y/n. The way she stood in front of Katsuki embedded on his mind.

Izuku knew how Y/n felt towards Katsuki, he knew that Y/n despised him.

So why on earth would she be so willing to take a bullet for him?

Two bullets?!

Shoto wasn't any better. If only he had thought of a strategy sooner to defeat his opponent, he could've helped Y/n in defeating hers.

Shoto felt genuine love for her. He loved her since their first years. And sure it broke his heart when she left,  but he was determined to win her over when he found out she was back.

But now, things may change.

No one has said a word. They were too busy to think. Too busy beating themselves up. Too busy regretting what happened.

Too busy blaming themselves for what happened.



The twins ran towards their father. Katsuki looked at the direction of the little voices. His face lightened up a bit after seeing his kids. He knelt down and arms wide, he smiled and waited.

Katsuya outran her brother, being the first to collide with their father, and suddenly engulfing him with a hug. Katsurin soon followed.

"Papa, where's mama?!" Katsurin asked in panic. Katsuki's face frowned.

"She's.. still being treated. W-we have to wait," He truthfully answered.

"Will mama be okay? Papa, I'm scared." Katsuya shuddered as her grip tightened around Katsuki's neck.

"Don't be. Your mama will be fine. We'll do everything just to make sure she's safe." Katsuki burried his face into the soft hair of the twins weeping in his arms.

"Izuku!" Inko shouts as she finally caught up to the twins.

"Mom," Izuku answered and immediately wrapped his arms around his mother. He saw All Might behind her, clearly in tears.

"Will she be okay? Tell me, Izu. Is your sister alright?!"

"We haven't heard from the doctors yet, mom." Izuku sighed.

The twins wouldn't stop crying. They tugged at their father's bloodied hero costume while he cradled them and tried to calm them down.

Seeing them this upset made Katsuki start to overthink.

What if Y/n won't make it, and Katsuki had to take care of his kids all on his own?

What if Y/n didn't wake up, how will he explain it to the kids?

What if Y/n didn't recover, will the kids easily accept this truth? What about Katsuki himself?

What if Y/n couldn't make it?

5 Years Later /K.B X R/Where stories live. Discover now