t w e n t y t h r e e

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"Y/n. Get up. We both have work today." Katsuki gently pats her shoulder, but she just groans and didn't budge.

Katsuki laid there and stared at the digital clock on the bedside table. The red numbers showing that it was 5:15 AM, only 15 minutes left until Y/n has to wake up and prepares the kids for the day ahead.

He looks at his right where the sleeping woman was. He turns to his side, facing her back. He slowly moves closer to her and moves his hand from under the covers, hesitating a bit if he should.

Y/n was still asleep when Katsuki carefully wraps his arm around her waist, his face snuggling at her neck.

He took a deep breath, inhaling her sweet scent.
If only he could do this everyday.

If only she were to be his. Then he'd do this everyday.

The thought of Y/n cuddling with him every night when they go to sleep entered his mind. Or when Y/n and their kids, Katsurin and Katsuya, all snuggled together on the bed, the twins being in between them.

"Y/n. Please just come back to me."

"I'll be better. I'll be a good father to our children. And I'll be a better husband for you." He whispered.

"You don't have to go back to that half and half bastard Todoroki. I'm here." He continues his voice cracked up a bit.

"I swear on my life. I will win you back. I won't let you go to that bastard again. I will make you mine." He whispered once again, then places a soft kiss on her neck.


"Will they be okay staying at your mom's place while we work?" Katsuki asks, eyeing the woman who was crouched down, assisting her daughter with her dress.

"Yes. Don't worry. Mom knows to call when something happens. Hopefully nothing happens." Y/n replied, and gave the smiling little girl a head pat.

They all left the apartment and went a few rooms away, where Inko's apartment was.

"Just wait here, I don't want her to see you yet," Y/n whispered at Katsuki.

The door opened, revealing a fully healed Inko Midoriya. She bent down to hug her grandkids, embracing them tightly.

"Glad to see you're healing well mom. But we have to go, running a bit late because Katsurin threw a tantrum," Y/n sighed.

"Oh, well, stay safe!" Inko exclaimed while laughing.

"Bye mama! Bye papa!!" Katsuya shouted and waved.

"Papa? Y/n dear what is--"

"See ya mom! Be back to pick up the kids after work!!" Y/n said quickly and shut the door.

She walked to the elevator where Katsuki was. She glances at him but stays silent, noticing the frown in his face.

"You didn't even let me say goodbye to the kids," He said and pressed the 'G' button where the lobby was.

"I don't wanna get an earful from mom. Besides, I don't know how I'm gonna tell her yet, or how I'm gonna get confronted," She rambled.

"You're gonna have to tell her sooner or later."

"I know, Katsuki. I know."

The sound of the elevator ding made them tense up as they left the tiny room. Y/n was about to leave him alone in front of the building when Katsuki grabs Y/n's arm.

"I'm taking you to work. No objections. Stay here. If you move you're gonna regret it." Katsuki said and quickly left, his grip on her hand tighten and lets go of her before walking away.

Not even 5 minutes later, Katsuki's car pulls up. He gets out and opens the door for her, a confused Y/n gets in with a weird look on her face.

Halfway through the drive, Katsuki still focuses on the road, but just had to ask. "How long are you planning on staying at that bastard's agency?"

Y/n looks at him with an eyebrow raised, "What do you mean?"

"I asked, how long will you be working for TDRK agency." It was more of a demand for answer rather than a question.

"Until I get into the top 10 pro hero rankings. Then I'm creating an agency of my own," She proudly answers.

Katsuki playfully scoffs, earning an offended glare from Y/n. But of course, he was still focused on the road, he couldn't see it. "Pfft. Come on baby girl. To get to the Top 10 Pro Hero rankings, you have to excel in all kinds of hero work. Rescue, Villain catching. Medical hero work. What else? Patrols, Missions,"

"For the past few weeks I've mostly done villain catching and rescues. But I'm in a mission next week," She proudly says with a smirk on her face.

"That's mission is in 4 days, my dear beloved Y/n Bakugou."

"Don't call me that! And how do you know?"

"They couldn't find anyone from my agency to take over that red headed idiot's spot," He said, teeth gritting as he mentioned Kirishima. "He had to be in another mission. Our senpais, Suneater and Lemillion and the others, can't join either. So I'm taking over."

"Oh," She simply said.

"Wait," It finally sinked in. "You're going to that mission?"

"Sometimes I forget how dumb you are. Of course I am. At first I didn't want to because I have other matters to fix at my agency, but after that red headed idiot fucked things up by going to another mission..." Katsuki gritted his teeth, but soon took a deep breath. "Besides. You're going to that mission. There's no reason to back out now."

"You're only gonna get in the way," She rolled her eyes.

"No, I'm going to make sure you don't fawn over that half and half bastard and actually focus on your first mission. And not let that fucking bastard touch you. This is your first mission, Y/n. Don't fuck it up if you want to be asked to participate in more missions, this will help you get into the top 10 rankings."

Y/n was surprised that Katsuki cares for her this much, even giving her advice. Maybe she was wrong about him in so many ways. Maybe he did change in the period that she was gone.

5 Years Later /K.B X R/Where stories live. Discover now