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"K-Kacchan! I--"

"Papa!" Katsuya cheered and ran, jumping into Katsuki's arms.

"What are you doing here, old man?" Katsurin angrily stomped towards his father.

"Katsurin! Don't be like that!" Y/n scolds him from across the room.

"--Khh! You little-!" Katsuki,  still holding little Katsuya, angrily stomped towards the little boy to pull him in. Katsuki's muscle-y arm hooking around the little boy's neck.

"I better g-go, take care, Y/n! Kids, don't be too playful and tire your mom out. N-nice to see you again Kacchan," Izuku reminded before leaving, making sure to close the door behind him.

Y/n didn't acknowledge the fact that Katsuki was in the living room and just finished setting the table, now having to add another plate because of the unexpected guest.

When she was done, she removed her apron and shouted, " 'Tsurin! 'Tsuya! It's time to eat!"

The two came ran towards the kitchen and sat next to each other.

Y/n noticed Katsuki still absent on the dinner table, so she peeked into the living room and saw him sitting on the floor, head resting on the couch beside him, eyes closed.

She slowly walked towards him and stopped right next to him.

"Hey. Dinner's ready. Let's eat." She nonchalantly said.

"I'm good. I just ate."

"I don't care. Eat again. You haven't had a proper meal with the kids yet. Are you gonna let that opportunity pass by?"

"Heh. You mean we haven't had a proper meal as a family?" Katsuki said with a smug look on his face as he stood up.

"Whatever." Y/n rolled her eyes and tried to walk away, but Katsuki grabbed her by the arm. He instinctively leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, and then started walking to the kitchen, his hand on her waist.

"Let's see how good your mon cooks." Katsuki challenged.

"Hah? My mama cooks the best food ever! Wait until you taste what she made!" Katsurin argued.

It wasn't true. Y/n knew it herself. Katsuki was the better cook. That one time when Katsuki single-handedly saved an entire batch of food that was for the entire class back when they had to cook for themselves. Or when it was Katsuki's turn to cook dinner for the entire class because of their system where one classmate had to cook dinner for everyone. Everyone always looked forward to Katsuki's dishes. He was always the better one.

Katsuki and Y/n sat next to each other because Katsuki didn't let her move away. Y/n could only notice the smile on Katsuya's face, along with the pink tinted cheeks. Katsuya often looked like that when she was genuinely happy. She looked adorable.

"Mama is taking 'Tsuya to the doctor," Katsurin started.

"For her check ups? She's not experienced pain as of now, right?" Katsuki looked at the woman beside her.

"No, it's not about that. It's about her quirk. She should be having her quirk at this age, at the same time as Katsurin."

"What if she's quirkless like that Deku?"

"Hey! Don't talk like that about my uncle Deku! He's the best uncle ever!" Katsurin pointed his fork, which was plastic and blunt as it is for kids--to Katsuki.

"And I'm the best dad ever!" Katsuki proudly pointed at himself. Y/n elbowed him.

'Really?' was all Y/n could think of.

"Papa, are you staying for the night?" Katsuya asked in her cute voice, almost as if she was pleading.

"He probably has to go back to work later or wake up early in the morning, 'Tsuya-chan." Y/n replied.

"I can stay, I asked for a day off so I can spend some time with the kids tomorrow," Katsuki said, making Y/n's head whip towards him.

"That's amazing!" She sarcastically said and rolled her eyes. "Take care of them until 2pm. I'll be home before 3. Get them dressed up and we're going to the doctor."

Katsuki stayed silent while Katsuya was smiling from ear to ear.

"Oh, and you're sleeping on the damn couch."

"What? I'm sleeping on the kids' bed," Katsuki stated with a firm voice.

"No, the bed isn't big enough for the three of you. Sleep on the damn couch."

"It's okay, papa! You can sleep with mama in her room," Katsuya happily shouted with a smile.

5 Years Later /K.B X R/Where stories live. Discover now