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Y/n hasn't heard his name in such a long time. Sure, she may have from the news whenever the heroes in Japan did something amazing, HIS name would be mentioned, but  everytime it does, Y/n doesn't get affected by it. She doesn't even remember how he looks like anymore because she buried that face and all of the memories with him down to the deepest depths of her mind.

So why now, now that she's moved on, that when he heard his name slip out of his older twin brother's mouth, hurt so much that she started tearing up?

Y/n whipped out her phone and immediately contacted Shoto.

"Y/n, what's up? Is something wrong?" Shoto's voice filled her ears, while Izuku just stood there, worrying about her. Her reactions showed how hurt she was.

"Hey! Just wanna inform you that I won't be able to participate in the mission next week--"

"Y/n?! What are you saying?!" Izuku grabbed the phone from her.

"Hey, Shoto! Don't mind that, she's just--drunk! Yeah, drunk and tired, you can talk to her tomorrow, sorry for bothering you good night!" Izuku then dropped the call.

"Y/n, you can't just hide from him forever!" Izuku shook her shoulders.

"I know! But I'm not ready to see him yet! I don't know how to react--what if burst into tears when I see him?!"

"It's okay, Y/n. Calm down. I told you a lot earlier so you have time to prepare, okay?"

"What if he finds out about Katsuyu and Katsurin?" She sobbed.

"It'll be okay, Y/n. We'll face him together, okay?"


"Mama! You're back!!"

The twins ran towards their mom as soon as they heard the door open.

"Aw, look at you two! Excited to see me home, huh?" She smiled at the two as she was tackled by hugs and kisses.

"Of course, mama! We missed you!" Katsurin exclaimed, and Katsuya just nodded.

"The kids already ate, you can go ahead and eat if you want," Inko said as she entered the living room.

"Oh, it's okay. Me and Izuku-nii ate out with some old friends."

"Uncle Deku! Uncle Deku! Are you gonna stay here for the night?" Katsurin jumped into Izuku's arms.

"Do you want me to? I mean, I'm not gonna be busy tomorrow so of course I can stay," He replied, making the boy smile.

"Well, let's you two cleaned up if you're so excited to play with Uncle Izuku," Y/n carried Katsuya while Izuku carried Katsurin.

When they got themselves cleaned up and ready for bed, Katsuya asked for a glass of milk, and Y/n gladly took her to the kitchen to get her some.


"Yes 'Tsuya-chan?" She turned to her after getting two glasses.

"I don't want you to get mad... But I talked to 'Tsurin-nii earlier...." The little girl said shyly.

"Oh, dear... I will never get mad at you. You can tell me now and I won't get mad!" She patted her head and signaled her to sit down while she took the milk out of the fridge.

"Well, I was playing with 'Tsurin-niichan, he said that Uncle Izuku is so strong and is a hero, that he should be our.. dad..."

"Mhm, and what did you say?"

"I said that it's impossible since you and Uncle Izuku are siblings, you two are just like us, twins!" Her tiny voice raised a bit while she looked up at Y/n.

"You're right, dear. He isn't your dad since he's my brother," Y/n raised an eyebrow, she definitely knew where this was going.

"So he asked me, who our dad was... And I said I didn't know," Katsuya was tearing up.

Oh how it broke Y/n's heart when she saw her little angel cry when she talked about her father.

"Katsuya.. It's okay...."

"Mama.. I know that you get hurt and you want to cry whenever our dad is being talked about.. But we wanna know who he is, too!"

"It'll be okay, 'Tsuya.. You'll meet him soon.. That's a promise!" Y/n grabbed her hand and pulled her in for a hug.

'I really want you two to meet him.. I really do... But I'm scared that he'll take you away from me..'

"Come on and let's drink this milk!" Y/n pulled away and wiped her daughter's tears off.

"And then, boom! We were able to defeat the villain! We saved Eri-chan, but unfortunately, we lost a great hero named Nighteye," Izuku said.

"Who's Nighteye?"

"He's an amazing hero who could see the future of those he touched! He and All Might used to be partners!" Izuku enthusiastically explained.

"Oh, All Might! My favorite hero is All Might! After you and Mama, of course. But All Might is so amazing! He's super strong! I used to watch videos of him!"

"Oh! Did you watch that one video of All Might saving hundreds of people?! I used to watch that when I was your age!"

"Yeah! I--"

"He used to watch that awful video of All Might every day that I memorized every line in that video," Y/n said as they entered the room.


"Well, I have it memorized before you even started watching it because your uncle here used to watch it over and over again," Y/n playfully rolled her eyes.

"We really are alike, uncle Deku!"

Y/n smiled and carried Katsuya to her bed.

"Can you guys tell us more stories? About when you used to be in that high school, UA?"

"Of course! What do you wanna hear about?"

5 Years Later /K.B X R/Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ