~Knock Knock?~

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It's been almost a week since I saw Dante, not even heard him go out at night like he usually does and I've hardly smelt his cigarette smoke. Feels like he's avoiding me and maybe what happened 6 days ago has affected him in some way. Or maybe he's sick? Did I scare him off with my past trauma? was he scared of the blood? He could even be just working on one of his paintings.

I want to check up on him but we aren't very close, even though I think eventually we could be good friends as we have a fair bit in common due to both of us being artistic is each to our own and last week we laughed a hell of a lot together over wine. The only problem is I can't be certain of what I think I saw that night, His eyes. They were red.

I can't seem to trust myself with what I saw because of the wine we drank, it's not like we drank a lot but it was strong and I'm a lightweight so I don't remember even getting into bed after that. I do however distinctively remember his eyes though, glistening like rubies like nothing I've ever seen before.

Since that night I've been having these I guess you can all its occurrences going on. Every night I sleep with my balcony door open as I love the fresh air and every night or morning I wake to it being closed, strange I know.  Is it possible I'm doing it in my sleep? I've never been one to sleepwalk, especially never been one to close doors fully, mother used to curse me for it.

The thing is it's not just the fact my door is closed every time I wake, but it almost feels like I'm being watched too,  like someone has been in my room. I've awakened a few times to my hair pushed behind my ear and a flash of darkness, like something or someone, just bolted out of my room at lightning speed.

Last night I even tried to stay up late to catch whatever is getting in and out at night but nothing turned up and nothing happened then I fell asleep just after four. So a little tired today but I'm gonna push through and try to get some of my book done, not like I've written much. A few chapters here and there are just character-building. I have no inspiration at the moment, not for vampires anyways, stalkers or burglars maybe but definitely not vampires.

Sitting at my computer after breakfast, it's been an hour, and my mind is already as blank as the page I've been staring at. I've decided I need to do some more practical research. Movies it is, so I've set up twilight, I know very cliché but I have to start somewhere right?

Halfway through the movie and I'm beginning to get bored. The only thing I've learned so far is they have strength, they are cold and have a thirst for blood but can survive on other living things, no character inspiration so far just the basics of vampire powers. I rolled my eyes, stretched a little, and turned off my tv.

Since I kind of found a bit of setting inspiration I'm gonna head back to my room to officially set the scene where they finally meet and maybe my mind will just take it from there and go off on one. So I stood up lazily but before I could even turn to walk towards my room there was a loud knock at my door, a knock so hard that if I was asleep it would have certainly woken me.

Dante maybe? I shuffled my feet heading towards my front door. After two steps there it was again, BANG!BANG! BANG!.. Anxiety is starting to clog up my throat like being choked. Why am I getting scared? It could just be Dante or the landlord. Is my body trying to tell me something?

Palms sweating as I clutched the handle wanting to ask who it is but unable to get a single word to come out. I shook my head side to side in aid to smack myself out of this. Not even waiting for a second longer for my anxiety to creep back in I swung the door open.

Only for the anxiety to be gone, but now fear possessed me, and my knees buckled from underneath me. The familiar smell of cigs never hit my nose, instead, a stench of oranges and whisky had me twisting my head downward in disgust. My eyes betrayed me because they looked up even though I didn't want to as he stood towering over me with a grim smirk on his face "found you my little fox" ...

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