~The next morning~

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It's morning already, with barely any sleep due to last night's events. The sunlight only sparkled through the top of his curtain, and while the birds sang a morning tune my eyes peeked open. We had a night filled with steamy passion and fell asleep together just before dawn broke, I lay upon his icy chest, skin to skin, which was very comforting against my lukewarm skin, nuzzling into it and wondering if I could be frozen to this spot forever. Still, I must get up to eat something, unfortunately, whereas he won't wake till much later. 

Climbing from his bed I caught a glance of his muscular stomach, giving me a flashback of last night when my hands were crawling all over it, I could already feel my face start to flush. Does this mean we are together or are we simply an arrangement now? I throw on the clothes he had washed for me and head to the front door, I'd love to be here when he wakes but he never has food in for me so I will have to head home for a little while and hope that when he does he comes round to see me. Am I missing him already? 

Finally, back in my home, it feels so quiet and I already feel lonely but I suppose I'll have to cope for a few hours. I should probably get a shower, though I don't want to wash his scent away I do need to wash them cuts again. As I undress I feel a slight ache coming from my back as my shirt grazed off it, I don't remember banging my back last night in the alley, so I turn around exposing my bare back to the mirror and there it is, the animalistic claw marks running down my back, redraw and fresh, they weren't from the alley. 

Shortly after my shower and a different set of clothes, there was a knock at the door, it can't be Dante as it was still daytime. I'm still a little wary of opening my door since the last time I did I got attacked. "who is it?" I shouted as I edged closer, "Postman" they shouted back, still a little anxious I looked through the window to double check and it was indeed the postman so I open the door, and a short regular guy was there, I never met him before as this is the first time I've ever ordered anything to this house, my eyes scan him and stop at a name badge "Bradley", normal name, normal guy, I bet his life isn't as tragic as mine. He makes short small talk before handing me my package and gives a sweet smile before he leaves, he's probably the type of guy my parents would have wanted me to go for, unfortunately, they aren't here to judge, and fortunately for my sake, I fell for a vampire instead otherwise I'd be with my parents about now and be posted on some news article about family tragedies. 

Tearing apart my fairly small package I forgot I ordered this, it was a charcoal pencil kit for Dante, I don't know why but I just saw it and bought it for him, I've never seen him draw, only seen his artwork on the walls of his house and with this, I do hope he would draw something for me. Speaking of ordering things though it may come in handy as I don't feel like going outside for a while, as much as I want to be strong and not let it get to me last time shook me up too much. So I guess the rest of my day will be spent ordering some things to stock up my cupboards with, some will take a few days I guess that's fine, maybe I could get Dante to make dinner again as the last time he did it was incredible. 

Sunset has finally come around and I shoot a text to Dante.

"Are you awake? Dinner at my house?"


He may just be waking up I probably shouldn't be so impatient, I shake my head and put down my phone, still glancing at it from a distance awaiting his text. I walk to the mirror, do I look okay? or should I change? Damn since when have I ever cared about my appearance? That man really does have me wrapped around his finger, he could say jump and I would, I am in love with him so bad, and since we, well you know. It just confirmed it more, I need to tell him, and I think today could be the day. My heart is pouncing at the thought of it, I may not have the strength to go outside yet, but for some reason, I feel like I dare to tell a vampire I love him.

It's been 20 minutes still no response. It's got me overthinking badly, what if he didn't like it last night, was I bad? should I text him again? no, I don't want to be clingy. Oh god, I hope I didn't do anything wrong last night. I just hope he responds soon...

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